BS ISO 8000-110:2021

Data quality - Master data: Exchange of characteristic data: Syntax, semantic encoding, and conformance to data specification



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BS ISO 8000-110:2021
BS ISO 8000-110:2021
1   Scope This document specifies requirements for the exchange of messages that contain master data consisting of characteristic data. These requirements can be checked by computer. The messages are suitable for exchange between organizations and between systems. EXAMPLE 1 A supplier sends a message to a customer. The message contains characteristic data describing an item that the customer is considering buying. The following are within the scope of this document: — conformance of master data messages to a formal syntax; — semantic encoding of master data messages; — conformance of master data messages to data specifications; — requirements on access to the data dictionaries that enable decoding of master data messages. The following are outside the scope of this document: — master data that are not characteristic data; — data that are not in messages; — messages that do not exchange master data b...

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