80003 A-1986

Mean fluid forces and moments on rectangular prisms: surface-mounted structures in turbulent shear flow.



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80003 A-1986
ESDU - Engineering Sciences Data Unit
ESDU 80003 provides information for estimating the mean forces and moments on surface-mounted rectangular prisms in turbulent shear flow@ typically a rectangular building in the natural wind. The prism shapes covered have cross-sections with side ratios in the range 0.25 to 4 and height/width ratios greater than 0.25. Flows with turbulence intensities up to 20 per cent are covered and data for flows for turbulence length scale/prism side up to 2 and velocity profile exponents up to 0.34 were included in the correlation. A Calculation Sheet provides a step-by-step procedure for calculating forces and moments and a worked example illustrates its use.

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