GSO ISO 5661:1994
石油产品 烃类液体 折射率的测定

Petroleum products -- Hydrocarbon liquids -- Determination of refractive index



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GSO ISO 5661:1994
GSO ISO 5661:1994
This standard specifies a method for the determination of the refractive index of transparent and light-coloured hydrocarbon liquids such as those used in capacitors, transformers, circuit breakers and in cables of the oil-filled type. 1.2 This method is applicable to liquids having refractive indices in the range 1.33 to 1.7 and at temperatures of 20 to 30oC. It is not applicable, within the accuracy stated to liquids having colours darker than colour No. 4, to colours mentioned in draft Gulf standard on “Petroleum Products - Determination of Colour” or to liquids having bubble points so close to the test temperature that a reading cannot be obtained before substantial deterioration takes place. Notes: 1) Liquid certified reference materials are available for the range 1.33 to 1.50, but not above this range. The accuracy of the method is not readily checked in the range 1.5 to 1.7. 2) Although measurements may be made at temperatures up to 70oC, the accuracy of the method under these conditions has not been evaluated. 1.3 The refractive index of a liquid varies with its composition and with the nature and amount of contaminants held in solution. If the refractive index of an unused liquid is known, determinations made on the same liquid after periods of service may form a basis for estimating any change in composition or the degree of contamination resulting from dissolution of extraneous material. The refractive index may also be used, in conjunction with other physical properties. to assess the hydrocarbon types present in petroleum fractions

GSO ISO 5661:1994相似标准





本仪器是一款用于测定石油馏分中芳烃、烯烃及饱和烃体积分数专用仪器。一、主要技术特点1、本仪器采用一体化立式结构设计,无需安装,直接放置到室内合适位置即可使用。2、本仪器由气路系统、振动部分、标尺及刻度指示、系统照明、紫外光检测等部件组成,从硅胶填装、振动、装样直至读出试验结果一气呵成。3、直接采用两支进口精密内径玻璃管吸附柱(标准壁玻璃管吸附柱不再配), 更方便用户使用。...


 适应标准:GB/T11132,A2090用于测定石油饱和烃、烯烃和芳烃体积百分数。它应用了荧光指示剂使液体石油产品中主要烃类在硅胶吸附柱上显示出来原理,从而计算烃类体积百分数。  ...


适用范围液体石油产品烃类测定仪是一款测定仪,适用于用荧光指示剂使石油产品中主要烃类在硅胶吸附柱上显示出来,进而计算其 体积佰分含量方法。本方法适用于用荧光指示剂使石油产品中主要烃类在硅胶吸附柱上显示出来,进而计算其 体积佰分含量方法。技术指标1、2组进口精密吸附柱,2、固定式可调振荡器,3、防紫外线辐射型灯室,4、标尺配有移动式磁性游标,方便观察。...

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