NS-EN ISO 19277:2018
石油、石化和天然气行业 绝缘保护涂层系统的资格测试和验收标准(ISO 19277:2018)

Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Qualification testing and acceptance criteria for protective coating systems under insulation (ISO 19277:2018)



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NS-EN ISO 19277:2018
NS-EN ISO 19277:2018
  Full Description ADOPTED_FROM:EN ISO 19277:2018 This document describes various corrosion under insulation (CUI) environments in refineries and other related industries and environments, and establishes CUI environmental categories including operating temperature ranges from −45 °C to 204 °C for topside and aboveground service only. This document specifies both established and other test methods for the assessment of coatings used for prevention of CUI for each given environment. This document also provides acceptance criteria for each CUI environment. NOTE The test results and acceptance criteria can be considered an aid in the selection of suitable coating systems. For service or peak temperatures below −45 °C an optional cryogenic test can be incorporated and for over 204 °C testing acceptance criteria can be agreed between interested parties. Additional or other test and acceptance measures are possible, but require particular agreement between the interested parties. This document covers spray-applied coatings applied on new carbon and austenitic stainless steel for use in CUI service. This document does not cover testing of sacrificial coatings, such as inorganic zinc, as these coatings can be consumed quickly in wet environments. Developing accelerated corrosion testing for what can be continuous wet service with sacrificial coatings is beyond the scope of this document. \"Non-through porosity\" thermal spray aluminium coatings with greater than 250 µm dry film thickness can be tested and qualified in accordance with this document. This document does not cover tape and sheet applied products for use in preventing CUI. This document does not deal with other aspects of coating degradation, such as those caused by abrasion, erosion, ultraviolet degradation or other methods that can exist given specific environment and construction methods.

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