PD CEN/TS 16405:2017
智能运输系统 Ecall 重型货车附加数据概念规范

Intelligent transport systems - Ecall - Additional data concept specification for heavy goods vehicles

PD CEN/TS 16405:2017
CEN - European Committee for Standardization
PD CEN/TS 16405:2017
This Technical Specification defines an additional data concept that may be transferred as an ??optional additional data concept?? as defined in EN 15722 eCall MSD@ that may be transferred from a goods vehicle to a PSAP in the event of a crash or emergency via an eCall communication session. Two variants are provided@ one (schema A) for use where information about the goods (ADR classified or not) is known in the eCall device; the second variant (schema B) is for use where such information is to be fetched from elsewhere. NOTE This Technical Specification is complementary and additional to EN 15722; and contains as little redundancy as possible. The communications media protocols and methods for the transmission of the eCall message are not specified in this Technical Specification. Additional data concepts may also be transferred@ and any such data concepts should be registered using a data registry as defined in EN ISO 24978. See www.esafetydata.com for an example.

PD CEN/TS 16405:2017相似标准

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