IEEE 23026-2015
系统和软件工程 系统 软件 和服务信息网站的工程和管理

Systems and software engineering - Engineering and management of websites for systems@ software@ and services information



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IEEE 23026-2015
IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers@ Inc.
IEEE 23026-2015
This International Standard defines system engineering and management requirements for the life cycle of websites including strategy@ design@ engineering@ testing and validation@ and management and sustainment for Intranet and Extranet environments. This International Standard applies to those using web technology to present information and communications technology (ICT) information@ such as user documentation for systems and software@ life-cycle documentation for systems and software engineering projects@ and documentation of policies@ plans@ and procedures for IT service management. This International Standard provides requirements for website owners and website providers@ managers responsible for establishing guidelines for website development and operations@ for software developers and operations and maintenance staff who may be external or internal to the website owner's organization. It applies to websites for public access and for limited access@ such as for users@ customers@ and subscribers seeking information on IT products and services. The goal of this International Standard is to improve the usability of informational websites and ease of maintenance of managed Web operations in terms of: a) locating relevant and timely information@ b) applying information security management@ c) facilitating ease of use@ d) providing for consistent and efficient development and maintenance practices. This International Standard is not intended for websites used primarily for marketing or sales@ or to deliver instructional material@ or to provide Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) for business or consumer transactional application processing. However@ this International Standard may provide useful insights for managing such sites. This International Standard focuses on vendor- and product-independent considerations. It does not include specifications for application development tools@ programming languages used for archiving site content or for presentation of content on the web@ metadata tags@ or protocols for web page design based on World Wide Web Consortium (W3C?) and related industry guidelines. It does not address tools or systems used for management or storage of information content (data@ documents) that may be presented on websites. This International Standard does not address the design and architecture of software supporting the Internet.

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通过十多年创新研究,软件工程国家重点实验室(武汉大学)何克清教授团队,原始创新了网络化涉众服务需求角色—目标—流程—服务RGPS元模型理论互操作方法,发明了RGPS需求元模型制导业务协作及其软件模型松耦合服务语义互操作及按需服务技术,获得了13个国家发明专利授权,为实现信息系统之间互操作,提供了服务需—供双方精准对接内容标识及其语义关联关系软件互操作性核心竞争技术。  ...

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