IEC 62772:2016
带变压器的复合中空核心站后绝缘子 电压大于1000 V 直流电压电压大于1 500 V.定义 测试方法和验收标准

Composite hollow core station post insulators for substations with a.c. voltage greater than 1 000 V and d.c. voltage greater than 1 500 V - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria

IEC 62772:2016
IEC 62772:2016
"This International Standard applies to composite hollow core station post insulators consisting of a load-bearing insulating tube (core) made of resin impregnated fibres an insulating filler material (e.g. solid@ liquid@ foam@ gaseous ?C pressurized or unpressurized)@ a housing (outside the insulating tube) made of polymeric material (for example silicone or ethylene-propylene) and metal fixing devices at the ends of the insulating tube. Composite hollow core station post insulators as defined in this standard are intended for general use in substations in both@ outdoor and indoor environments@ operating with a rated AC voltage greater than 1 000 V and a frequency not greater than 100 Hz or for use in direct current systems with a rated voltage greater than 1 500 V. The object of this standard is: ?C to define the terms used; ?C to prescribe test methods; ?C to prescribe acceptance criteria. All the tests in this standard@ apart from the thermal-mechanical test@ are performed at normal ambient temperature. This standard does not prescribe tests that may be characteristic of the apparatus of which the composite hollow core station post insulator ultimately may form a part. Further technical input is required in this area. NOTE 1 ""Pressurized"" means a permanent gas or liquid pressure greater than 0@05 MPa (0@5 bar) gauge. The gas can be dry air or inert gases@ for example sulphur hexafluoride@ nitrogen@ or a mixture of such gases. NOTE 2 ""Unpressurized"" means a gas or liquid pressure smaller than or equal to 0@05 MPa (0@5 bar) gauge. "

IEC 62772:2016相似标准


关注 | 4项国家标准、61项行业标准报批公示

JB/T 5776-200717 JB/T 5796-2020船用低压空气断路器    本标准规定了船用低压空气断路器术语定义、符号代号、分类、特性、安装、结构性能要求、试验、检验规则运输条件。    本标准适用于交流50Hz或60Hz、额定电压1000V及以下或直流1500V及以下断路器,包括熔断器断路器。...


JB/T 5776-200717 JB/T 5796-2020船用低压空气断路器    本标准规定了船用低压空气断路器术语定义、符号代号、分类、特性、安装、结构性能要求、试验、检验规则运输条件。    本标准适用于交流50Hz或60Hz、额定电压1000V及以下或直流1500V及以下断路器,包括熔断器断路器。...


2.辅助回路控制回路绝缘电阻测量时,首先要做好必要安全措施,然后使用500V(或1000V)绝缘电阻测试仪进行测试,其值应大于2MΩ。对于500kV断路器,应用1000V绝缘电阻测试仪测量,其值应大于2MΩ。       3.根据兆欧表测量读数结合绝缘材料种类,可以初步判别其吸潮、清洁度、绝缘性能,从而可初步决定设备缺陷程度。...


;4.2g持续振动加速度下可正常使用;100g/6ms冲击下不发生结构功能损坏;内部进水10分钟自动对外发射定位信号; (6)额定工作电压直流24V,正常工作电压12~36V; (7)工作温度-43℃~+85℃;贮存温度-43℃~+70℃;环境湿度(35℃)95%±3%,整机进行电磁兼容防盐雾设计; (8)设备尺寸:不大于200mm×180mm×60mm;重量:不大于4kg; 三、择优方式:方案优选实物比测十...

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