SN-CEN/TS 14966:2005



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SN-CEN/TS 14966:2005
SN-CEN/TS 14966:2005
  Full Description ADOPTED_FROM:CEN/TS 14966:2005 This Technical Specification specifies small-scale test methods for estimating the following mechanical properties of wood-based panels: - indicative planar shear strength (sometimes referred to as block shear); - indicative panel shear strength; - indicative strength and modulus of elasticity in tension in the plane of the panel; - indicative strength in compression in the plane of the panel. Reference should be made to EN 310 for bending properties. For plywood, EN 314 1 may also be used as an indicator of planar shear strength. These test methods are intended for indicative purposes only and should not be used as a means of determining structural design values. They may not be suitable for all panel types. They may be used as a means of supporting quality control procedures for structural panels, if correlations with EN 789 test results can be established (CEN Technical Report in preparation).

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