BS 10175:2011+A2:2017
调查潜在污染场地 实践守则 实践守则

Investigation of potentially contaminated sites. Code of practice - Code of practice

BS 10175:2011+A2:2017
BS 10175:2011+A2:2017
What is BS 10175 -  Investigation of contaminated sites   about? Contaminated land contains harmful chemicals in quantities that present a risk or a potential risk to human health or the environment. When land is legally defined as ‘contaminated’ there’s a legal obligation to ensure it doesn’t present a risk to health or the environment.  The UK Government’s long term aim is to work towards a future where all the potentially contaminated land in England and Wales has been identified, assessed and made safe. Therefore BS 10175 was created to provide recommendations and guidance on how to investigate potentially contaminated land, or land with naturally elevated concentrations of potentially harmful substances, to determine or manage any risks. Who is  BS 10175 -  Investigation of contaminated sites  for? BS 10175 will be used by those with an understanding of the risk based approach to the assessment of sites as described in the Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination (CLR 11) [31]. Specifically, users will be experts in:  Site investigations Land pollution Environmental cleanliness Dangerous materials Toxic materials Contamination Pollution Risk assessment Project management Sampling methods Field testing Laboratory testing Chemical analysis and testing Soil pollution Ground water Surface water Gases Why should you use  BS 10175 -  Investigation of contaminated sites ? B...

BS 10175:2011+A2:2017相似标准



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