GSO IEC 60079-26:2007
爆炸性环境 第26部分:设备防护等级 (EPL) Ga 的设备

Explosive atmospheres - Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level (EPL) Ga

GSO IEC 60079-26:2007 发布历史

GSO IEC 60079-26:2007由GSO 发布于 2007-09-26。

GSO IEC 60079-26:2007在国际标准分类中归属于: 29.260.20 易爆环境用电气设备。

GSO IEC 60079-26:2007 爆炸性环境 第26部分:设备防护等级 (EPL) Ga 的设备的最新版本是哪一版?

最新版本是 GSO IEC 60079-26:2007

GSO IEC 60079-26:2007的历代版本如下:


Specifies the general requirements for construction, testing and marking of electrical apparatus and Ex components intended for use in explosive gas atmospheres. Electrical apparatus complying with this standard is intended for use in hazardous areas in which explosive gas atmospheres, caused by mixtures of air and gases, vapours or mists, exist under normal atmospheric conditions. The significant changes with respect to the previous edition are: Requirements for explosive dust atmospheres transferred from IEC 61241-0, The marking Group "II" alone has been replaced by "IIA", "IIB", or "IIC" as many of the enclosure requirements are now aligned with a specific sub-group, Dust groups defined as Group IIIA, IIIB and IIIC, Remainder of "electrostatic" requirements transferred from IEC 60079-26 and Equipment protection levels (EPL) introduced. The contents of the interpretation sheet 1 of November 2008 and corrigendum 1 of December 2010 have been included in this copy.

GSO IEC 60079-26:2007
GSO IEC 60079-26:2007

GSO IEC 60079-26:2007相似标准



:180*85*55 mm(L×W×H)0.5 Kg(仪器净重)工作压力:-30Kpa ~ 200Kpa标准配件:粉尘过滤器、仪器箱1个、说明书、合格证、USB充电器、数据线、标定罩执行标准:GB3836.1-2010《爆炸性环境 1部分设备 通用要求》GB3836.4-2010《爆炸性环境 4部分:由本质安全型“i”保护设备》...




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1)防爆地磅运行、维护及使用人员培 训、考核应符合GB3836. 13 - 1997《爆炸性气体环 境用电气设备13部分:爆炸性气体环境用电气设备检修有关规定。2)日常运行维护检查时,应尽量避免打开防爆地磅外壳,必须打开时应先切断电源。如隔爆外壳打开,应妥善保护,不得损伤隔爆面。检修时隔爆面应向上放置,不得直接接触地面,隔爆面经清洗后应涂以磷化膏或204防锈油。...

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