GSO ISO 9224:2015
金属和合金的腐蚀 气候腐蚀 腐蚀等级指示值

Corrosion of metals and alloys -- Corrosivity of atmospheres -- Guiding values for the corrosivity categories

GSO ISO 9224:2015 发布历史

GSO ISO 9224:2015由GSO 发布于 2015-09-03。

GSO ISO 9224:2015在国际标准分类中归属于: 77.060 金属的腐蚀。

GSO ISO 9224:2015 金属和合金的腐蚀 气候腐蚀 腐蚀等级指示值的最新版本是哪一版?

最新版本是 GSO ISO 9224:2015

GSO ISO 9224:2015的历代版本如下:

  • 2015年 GSO ISO 9224:2015 金属和合金的腐蚀 气候腐蚀 腐蚀等级指示值


This International Standard specifies guiding values of corrosion attack for metals and alloys exposed to natural outdoor atmospheres for exposures greater than one year. This International Standard is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 9223. Guiding corrosion values for standard structural materials can be used for engineering calculations. The guiding corrosion values specify the technical content of each of the individual corrosivity categories for these standard metals. Annex A provides examples of calculated maximum corrosion attack after extended exposure (up to 20 years) for six standardized corrosivity categories. Annex B provides presumed average initial and steady-state corrosion rates of standard metals in intervals relative to six standardized corrosivity categories. Annex C provides the calculation procedure for corrosion attack of steels in regard to their composition.

GSO ISO 9224:2015
GSO ISO 9224:2015

GSO ISO 9224:2015相似标准



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