BS ISO 4427-5:2019

Plastics piping systems for water supply, and for drainage and sewerage under pressure. Polyethylene (PE) - Fitness for purpose of the system


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BS ISO 4427-5:2019

BS ISO 4427-5:2019
BS ISO 4427-5:2019
What is ISO 4427-5 - Polyethylene (PE) pipes and fitting assemblies about?      The ISO 4427 series of standards are a set of system standards that specify the requirements for a piping system and its components when made from PE.   ISO 4427-5 is the fifth part in the multi-series that specifies the characteristics of the fitness for purpose of pipes and/or fittings assemblies made from PE for buried or above-ground applications, intended for the conveyance of water for human consumption, raw water prior to treatment, drainage, and sewerage under pressure, vacuum sewer systems, and water for other purposes.   In conjunction with the other parts of the ISO 4427 series, ISO 4427-5 var dom = document.getElementById("std_map_cont"); var myChart = echarts.init(dom); option = { title: { text: 'BS ISO 4427-5:2019 引用关系图' }, tooltip: {}, animation: false, animationDurationUpdate: 1500, animationEasingUpdate: 'quinticInOut', series : [ { type: 'graph', layout: 'force', /*force: {initLayout: 'circular',repulsion:50,gravity: 0.01,edgeLength:[50,500]},*/ force: {repulsion:20,edgeLength:5}, circular: {rotateLabel: true}, /*symbol: 'rect',*/ /*symbolSize: [150,30],*/ roam: true, draggable: true, /* focusNodeAdjacency: true,*/ roam: true, /* label: { normal: { show: true, position: 'right', formatter: '{b}', } }, */ edgeSymbol: ['circle', 'arrow'], edgeSymbolSize: [2, 6], edgeLabel: { normal: { textStyle: { fontSize: 10 } } }, data: [ {name: "BS ISO 4427-5:2019",symbol: 'circle',symbolSize:20, itemStyle:{ normal: {color:'#669933'}}, } ], // links: [], links: [ {source:'BS ISO 4427-5:2019',target:'',lineStyle:''} ], lineStyle: { normal: { opacity: 0.9, width: 2, curveness: 0 } } } ] }; myChart.setOption(option);

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