API STD 2530-1985
石油测量标准手册第 14 章 _ 天然气流体测量第 3 节 天然气和其他相关烃类流体的孔板计量(第二版)

Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 14 _ Naturla Gas Fluids Measurement Section 3 - Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids (Second Edition)



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API STD 2530-1985
API - American Petroleum Institute
API STD 2530-1985
TYPES OF METERS This standard and its specifications are limited to the following two types of orifice meters: 1. Orifice meters with circular orifices located concentrically in the meter tube having upstream and downstream pressure taps as specified for flange taps in Section 14.3.3. 2. Orifice meters with circular orifices located concentrically in the meter tube having upstream and downstream pressure taps as specified for pipe taps inSection 14.3.3. TYPES OF HARDWARE This standard covers the measurement of natural gas and other fluids associated with the production@ processing@ transportation@ and distribution of natural gas by orifice meter as related to the primary element (that is@ the orifice plate and the meter tube consisting of the orifice flanges or fittings@ flow conditioners@ and the adjacent pipe sections) and the methods of flow calculation. This standard does not cover the equipment used in the determination of the pressures@ temperatures@ and other variables@ which must be known for the accurate measurement of the flow of fluids in pipe lines. Publications by the American Gas Association@ the American Petroleum Institute@ and others may be used as a guide.

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