IEEE C37.100.1-2018
额定电压 1000 V 以上的高压电力开关设备的通用要求

Common Requirements for High-Voltage Power Switchgear Rated Above 1000 V



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IEEE C37.100.1-2018
IEEE - The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers@ Inc.
IEEE C37.100.1-2018
This standard applies to alternating current (ac) switchgear@ designed for both indoor and outdoor installation and for operation at service frequencies up to and including 60 Hz on systems having voltages above 1000 V. This standard is applied in relevant equipment standards by a normative reference to this standard@ IEEE Std C37.100.1@ on a section or clause-by-clause basis. Annex A of this standard provides recommendations for its application. The inclusion of this standard as a normative reference shall not imply that all of the requirements contained herein apply as a default. In the absence of a normative reference@ this standard shall be considered informative only. In case of a conflict in requirements@ the requirements of the relevant equipment standard shall prevail. NOTE 1?? In general@ this standard applies to all high-voltage power switchgear designed to IEEE C37? series. Exceptions include low-voltage standards (less than 1000 V) and protective relay standards.1 NOTE 2?? For the use of this standard@ ??high voltage?? (see IEV 601-01-27)2 is the rated voltage above 1 kV. However@ the term ??medium voltage?? (see IEV 601-01-28) is commonly used for distribution systems with voltages above 1 kV and generally applied up to and including 52 kV. NOTE 3?? There are many common requirements found in the IEEE C37 switchgear standards. These include service conditions@ ratings@ such as temperature rise limits@ and test methods. This common requirements standard is provided to promote standardization of the requirements and to simplify the maintenance of these standards. Purpose This document does not include a purpose statement. 1Notes in text@ tables@ and figures of a standard are given for information only and do not contain requirements needed to implement the standard. 2IEV refers to the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary and may be found in IEC 60050-XXX standards [B1]@ [B2]@ [B3]@ [B4]@ [B5]. For more information on these references@ see the bibliography in Annex K.

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