GSO ISO 26322-1:2013
农林拖拉机 安全 第1部分:标准拖拉机

Tractors for agriculture and forestry -- Safety -- Part 1: Standard tractors

GSO ISO 26322-1:2013 发布历史

GSO ISO 26322-1:2013由GSO 发布于 2013-12-31。

GSO ISO 26322-1:2013在国际标准分类中归属于: 65.060.10 农业拖拉机和牵引车辆。

GSO ISO 26322-1:2013 农林拖拉机 安全 第1部分:标准拖拉机的最新版本是哪一版?

最新版本是 GSO ISO 26322-1:2013

GSO ISO 26322-1:2013的历代版本如下:


This part of ISO 26322 specifies general safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of standard tractors used in agriculture and forestry. These tractors have at least two axles for pneumatic-tyred wheels, with the smallest track gauge of the rear axle exceeding 1 150 mm, or tracks instead of wheels, with their unballasted tractor mass being greater than 600 kg. NOTE Tractors having an unballasted mass not greater than 600 kg and a smallest adjustable track gauge of the axle bearing the larger tyres of ≤ 1 150 mm are dealt with in ISO 26322-2. In addition, this part of ISO 26322 specifies the type of information on safe working practices (including residual risks) to be provided by the manufacturer, as well as technical means for improving the degree of personal safety of the operator and others involved in a tractor’s normal operation, maintenance and use. It is not applicable to vibration or braking.

GSO ISO 26322-1:2013
GSO ISO 26322-1:2013

GSO ISO 26322-1:2013相似标准


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