ISO 17632:2004

Welding consumables - Tubular cored electrodes for gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Classification

ISO 17632:2004
ISO 17632:2015
ISO 17632:2015
This International Standard specifies requirements for classification of tubular cored electrodes with or without a gas shield for metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels in the as-welded condition or in the postweld heat-treated condition with a minimum yield strength of up to 500 MPa or a minimum tensile strength of up to 570 MPa. One tubular cored electrode can be tested and classified with different shielding gases, if any. This International Standard is a combined specification providing classification utilizing a system based upon the yield strength and the average impact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal, or utilizing a system based upon the tensile strength and the average impact energy of 27 J of all-weld metal. 1) Paragraphs and tables which carry the suffix letter “A” are applicable only to tubular cored electrodes classified to the system based upon the yield strength and the average impact energy of 47 J of allweld metal in accordance with this International Standard. 2) Paragraphs and tables which carry the suffix letter “B” are applicable only to tubular cored electrodes classified to the system based upon the tensile strength and the average impact energy of 27 J of allweld metal in accordance with this International Standard. 3) Paragraphs and tables which have neither the suffix letter “A” nor the suffix letter “B” are applicable to all tubular cored electrodes classified in accordance with this International Standard. It is recognized that the operating characteristics of tubular cored electrodes can be modified by the use of pulsed current, but for the purposes of this International Standard, pulsed current is not permitted for determining the electrode classification.

ISO 17632:2004相似标准



电源:平特性电源(单旋钮调节)、直流反接、等速送丝焊接材料:CO2气体焊丝  适用范围:目前CO2气体保护广泛应用于机车制造、船舶制造、汽车制造、采煤机械制造等领域。适用于焊接低碳钢、低合金钢、低合金高强,但是不适合于焊接有色金属、不锈。尽管有资料显示CO2气体保护可以用于不锈焊接,但不是焊接不锈首选。...


1926年:由美国A.O.Smith公司率先介绍了在电弧焊接金属电极外使用挤压方式涂上起保护作用固体药皮(即手工电弧焊条)制作方法。1926年:铬钨钴材合金获得了第一份关于药焊丝专利。1926年:美国人M.Hobart P.K.Devers获得了使用氦气作为电弧保护气体专利。...


(3)塌陷   单面时由于输入热量过大,熔化金属过多而使液态金属向焊缝背面塌落,成形后焊缝背面突起,正面下塌。   (4)表面气孔坑缩孔。   (5)各种焊接变形如角变形、扭曲、波浪变形等都属于焊接缺陷O角变形也属于装配成形缺陷。   2、气孔夹渣   A、气孔   气孔是指焊接时,熔池中气体未在金属凝固前逸出,残存于焊缝之中所形成空穴。...


防止措施:  稍减焊接速度,略增焊接电流,使热量增加到足以熔化母材或前一层焊缝金属;  焊条角度运条应适当,要照顾到母材两侧温度熔化情况;对由熔渣、脏物等所引起未熔合,要加强清渣,将氧化皮等脏物清理干净;  注意分清熔渣铁水,焊条有偏心时应调整角度使电弧处于正确方向;  气体保护尤宜控制焊接速度不要过高,电弧电压偏低,维持一定长,保持射流过渡,而且优先应用氦混合气体作为保护气体;  半自动或埋自动场合...

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