EN 1484:1997

Water analysis - Guidelines for the determination of total organic carbon (TOC) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC)

EN 1484:1997
EN 1484:1997
This European Standard gives guidance forThe determination of organic carbon in drinking water, ground water, surface water, sea water and waste water. It deals with definitions, interferences, reagents,andThe sample pretreatment of water samples with acontent of organic carbon ranging from 0,3 mg/1 to 1000 mg/1 whileThe lower value is only applicable in special cases, for example drinking water, measured with instruments capable of measuringThese lowlevels. Higher concentrations may be determined afterappropriate dilution.This European Standard does not deal withThe instnunent-dependent aspects.in addition to organic carbon,The water sample may contain carbon dioxide or ions of carbonic acid. PriortoThe TOC determination, it is essential thatThisinorganic carbon is removed by purgingThe acidifiedsample with a gas which is free from CO}. and organiccompounds. Alternatively, both total carbon (TC) andtotal inorganic carbon (TIC) may be determined andthe organic carbon content (TOC) may be calculatedby subtractingThe total inorganic carbon fromThe TC.This method is particularly suitable for samples inwhichThe total inorganic carbon is less thanThe TOG.Purgeable organic substances, such as benzene,toluene, cyclohexane, and chloroform may partlyescape upon stripping. InThe presence of thesesubstances,The TOC concentration is determinedseparate玫orThe differential method(TC一TIC=TOC) may be applied. By usingThedifferential method,The value of the TOC should behigher thanThe TIC, or at least of similar size.Cyanide, cyanate, and particles of elemental carbon(soot) when present inThe sample, will be determinedtogether withThe organic carbon.

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1979年国际供水协会.将水源水质按DOC值分为4类.见表l:表l 按DOC对水质分类mg/L1 2 3 48.0实际无污染 中等污染 严重污染 极度污染在日常检测中.一般水体有机溶解有机变化不会太大.一旦有突发性增加,表明水质受到意外污染。2 分析方法总有机(TOC),由专门仪器——总有机分析仪(以下简称TOC分析仪)来测定。...




但是,许多离线有机分析方法由于检测灵敏度低,耗时长,而且样品易受污染。因此,采用在线有机物检测,可以准确、快速、高灵敏度测出水中溶解有机物。在实验用超纯水中系统中加装在线TOC监测器,是监控、保证超纯水中有机物含量理想方法。 在线TOC测定应用与优点 直接在纯水系统中进行在线TOC测定,可以对实验分析提供独特保证及品质控制。...


;  颗粒性有机(Particulate Organic Carbon-POC):可经由0.45μm滤膜截留有机TOC)  ;  溶解有机(Dissolved Organic Carbon-DOC):可通过0.45μm滤膜有机TOC) ;  挥发性有机(Volatile Organic Carbon-VOC):在特定条件下,利用通气方式以蒸汽转移或是取代方法,由水溶液中可除去有机...

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