TIA J-STD-025-B-2006
合法授权的电子监督.此标准可与J-STD-025 和 J-STD-025-A同时使用

Lawfully Authorized Electronic Surveillance This Standard is Available Simultaneously with J-STD-025 and J-STD-025-A [Replaced: TIA J-STD-025-A, TIA J-STD-025-A ERTA, TIA J-STD-025-A, TIA TIA/EIA/IS-J-STD-025-A, TIA TIA/EIA/IS-J-STD-025-A]



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TIA J-STD-025-B-2006
This Standard defines the interfaces between a telecommunication service provider (TSP) and a Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) to assist the LEA in conducting lawfully authorized electronic surveillance. A TSP, manufacturer, or support service provider that is in compliance with this Standard will have a “safe harbor” under Section 107 of the Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA), Public Law 103-414: “a [TSP] shall be found to be in compliance with the assistance capability requirements under [CALEA] Section 103, and a manufacturer of telecommunication transmission or switching equipment or a provider of telecommunication support services shall be found in compliance with [CALEA] Section 106.”

TIA J-STD-025-B-2006相似标准

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