SIS SS IEC 654-2:1982

Process control- Power



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SIS SS IEC 654-2:1982
Part 2 of the standard gives the limiting values for power received by land-based and off-shore industrial-process measurement and control systems or parts of systems, during operation. Maintenance and repair conditions are not considered. Operating conditions directly related to fire and explosion hazards and conditions related to nuclear radiation are likewise not considered. The influence quantities considered in this part are limited to those which may directly affect the performance of process systems. Effects of the specific operating conditions on personnel are not within the scope of this part. Only operating conditions as such are considered; the resulting effects of these conditions on instrumentation are specifically excluded. This part establishes limit values, or sets of limit values, for the operating conditions listed. Other operating conditions, including those for which characteristics are difficult both to define and to measure, and for which adequate standards are not known to exist, will be covered in other publications. An example of an operating condition difficult to define is corrosive atmospheres, which are difficult to classify due to the wide variety and concentration of corrosive substances and combinations of substances which may be encountered. No classifications are recommended for hydraulic power supplies. In most instances, a separate hydraulic supply is provided for each operating unit, or for a small group of units. The characteristics of the supply are engineered specifically to meet the requirements of the units being operated. Certain types of pressure regulators derive their operating power from the pressure of the fluid. Similarly, certain types of temperature regulators derive pressure for valve operation from thermal expansion of the fluid in the temperature-sensing elements. The power supply for this type of "self-operated" device is not considered within the scope of this standard.

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另外ITCC是康吉森提出的叫法,由于跟IEC61508和11里面的内容有点冲突,据说现在设计院又开始改叫CCS了。参考电力系统ETS+DEH模式,我个人认为,压缩机控制还是控制和保护分开的好,采用 ESD+调速+防踹就练油厂的PCS(过程控制系统)情况来说,整个练油厂综合控制系统由DCS,ESD,CCS,MMS及CGTCS组成,DCS承担控制的核心。...


另外ITCC是康吉森提出的叫法,由于跟IEC61508和11里面的内容有点冲突,据说现在设计院又开始改叫CCS了。参考电力系统ETS+DEH模式,我个人认为,压缩机控制还是控制和保护分开的好,采用 ESD+调速+防踹就练油厂的PCS(过程控制系统)情况来说,整个练油厂综合控制系统由DCS,ESD,CCS,MMS及CGTCS组成,DCS承担控制的核心。...




*1 数据采集与监控系统SCADA软件用于监控生产过程。*2 使用磁芯和半导体器件的简单硬件设计。*3 安全完整性等级SIL由IEC 61508规定,是国际电工委员会(IEC)确立的关于电气与电子设备功能安全性的标准。有四个等级: SIL1~SIL4。对于没有适当安全措施的工厂来说,SIL3将风险系数降至1/1000–1/10000,SIL4降至1/10000–1/100000。...

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