SIS SS IEC 485:1981

Electronic measuring equipment — Digital electronic d.c. voltmeters and d.c. electronic analogue-to-digital converters



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SIS SS IEC 485:1981
SIS SS IEC 485:1981
1.1.1 This recommendation applies to digital electronic measuring instruments for the measurement of direct voltages, hereinafter referred to as measuring instruments and to electronic analogue-to-digital convertors used in equipment and systems for data and information processing for the conversion of direct voltages, hereinafter referred to as convertors. Note. — This recommendation is not apphcable to apparatus measuring/converting alternating voltages. 1.1.2 This recommendation is also applicable to accessories, when they are associated with the apparatus, inasmuch as the calibration of the apparatus has been or can be carried out together with the accessory, the recommendation being then valid for the combination of the apparatus and its accessory. 1.1.3 Some parts of this recommendation may be applicable also to other types of analogue-to-digital converting apparatus, e.g., digital ohmmeters and ammeters, but this recommendation is not intended to provide a complete set of technical requirements for these devices. 1.1.4 This recommendation does not explicitly consider apparatus with non-linear conversion and some of the following definitions and requirements may not apply to them. 1.1.5 Safety requirements are not dealt with in this recommendation. Unless otherwise agreed upon, devices such as those specified in Sub-clause 1.1 shall comply with IEC Publication 348, Safety Requirements for Electronic Measuring Apparatus. 1.1.6 Where the term "apparatus" is used without any special reference in this recommendation, it covers both measuring instruments and convertors. Where the term "conversion" is used in a general sense without any special reference in this recommendation, it covers the over-all action performed by measuring instruments or convertors. Throughout this recommendation, wherever "output information" is mentioned, the "indication" (i.e. the output information in visual form) is also implied.

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