GPA TP-27-2007
液化天然气和液化石油气体积表23E, 24E, 53E, 54E, 59E和60E中的温度校正(第1版)[代替:GPA TP-25,GPA TP-25]

Temperature Correction for the Volume of NGL and LPG Tables 23E, 24E, 53E, 54E, 59E & 60E (First Edition)



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GPA TP-27-2007
The actual Standard represented by this report consists of the explicit implementation procedures. Sample tables, flow charts, and specific examples created from a computerized version of these implementation procedures are presented within. The examples are to provide guides and check points to those who wish to implement a computerized procedure to represent the Standard, however these are not a part of the actual Standard. This Standard covers a 60°F relative density range of 0.3500 to 0.6880 which nominally equates to a density at 15°C of 351.7 to 687.8 kg/m3 and a density at 20°C of 331.7 to 683.6 kg/m3. The temperature range of this Standard is –50.8 to 199.4°F (–46 to 93°C). At all conditions, the pressure is assumed to be at saturation conditions (also known as bubble point or saturation vapor pressure). The calculation method was developed from GPA RR-148 “Volume Correction Factors for Natural Gas Liquids – Phase II”[11] and API/ASTM/GPA Technical Publication, TP-25, September, 1998[10]. The implementation procedures for Tables 23 and 24 are entirely consistent with those presented in TP-25. Supporting data can be found in GPA RR-147 “Density Measurements on Natural Gas Liquids”[12]. GPA RR-133 “Volume Correction Factors for Natural Gas Liquids – Phase I”[13] should no longer be used, as GPA RR-148 completely replaced it.

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