EN ISO 3580:2008
焊接消耗品.耐蠕变钢的手工金属弧焊用涂覆电极.分类[被代替:CEN EN 1599]

Welding consumables - Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of creep-resisting steels - Classification [Superseded: CEN EN 1599]



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EN ISO 3580:2008
EN ISO 3580:2011
EN ISO 3580:2017
This International Standard specifies requirements for classification of covered electrodes, based on the allweld metal in the heat-treated condition, for manual metal arc welding of ferritic and martensitic creepresisting and low alloy elevated temperature steels. This document is a combined specification for classification utilizing a system based upon the chemical composition of the all-weld metal, with requirements for the yield strength and the average impact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal, or utilizing a system based upon the tensile strength and the chemical composition of all-weld metal. 1) Paragraphs and tables which carry the suffix letter “A” are applicable only to electrodes classified to the system based upon chemical composition, with requirements for the yield strength and the average impact energy of 47 J of all-weld metal under this International Standard. 2) Paragraphs and tables which carry the suffix letter “B” are applicable only to electrodes classified to the system based upon the tensile strength and the chemical composition of all-weld metal under this International Standard. 3) Paragraphs and tables which do not have either the suffix letter “A” or the suffix letter “B” are applicable to all covered electrodes classified under this International Standard. For comparison purposes, some tables include requirements for electrodes classified according to both systems, placing individual electrodes from the two systems, which are similar in composition and properties, on adjacent lines in the particular table. In a particular line of the table that is mandatory in one system, the symbol for the similar electrode from the other system is indicated in parentheses. By appropriate restriction of the formulation of a particular electrode, it is often, but not always, possible to produce an electrode that can be classified in both systems, in which case the electrode, and/or its packaging, may be marked with the classification in either or both systems.

EN ISO 3580:2008相似标准



钎焊加热方法: 几乎所有的加热热源都可以用作钎焊热源,并依此将钎焊分类。  火焰钎焊:气体火焰进行加热,用于碳钢、不锈、硬质合金、铸铁、铜及铜合金、铝及铝合金硬钎焊。  感应钎焊:利用交磁场在零件中产生感应电流电阻热加热件,用于具有对称形状件,特别是管轴类钎焊。  ...


近年来,原先许多传统使用金属零部件也开始塑料代替,如进气管,仪表指针,散热器加固,油箱,过滤器等。  电阻节能及控制技术  发展三相低频电阻焊机、三相次级整流接触焊机和IGBT逆变电阻焊机,可以解决电网不平衡和提高功率因数问题,同时还可进一步节约电能,利于实现参数微机控制,可更好地适用于焊接铝合金、不锈及其他难金属焊接。另外还可进一步减轻设备重量。  ...





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