ITU-T X.1244-2008

Overall aspects of countering spam in IP-based multimedia applications Study Group 17

ITU-T X.1244-2008 发布历史

Recommendation ITU-T X.1244 specifies the basic concepts, characteristics, and technical issues related to countering spam in IP multimedia applications such as IP telephony, instant messaging, etc. The various types of IP multimedia application spam are categorized, and each categorized group is described according to its characteristics. This Recommendation describes various spam security threats that can cause IP multimedia application spam. There are various techniques developed to control the e-mail spam which has become a social problem. Some of those techniques can be used in countering IP multimedia application spam. This Recommendation analyses the conventional spam countering mechanisms and discusses their applicability to countering IP multimedia application spam. This Recommendation concludes by mentioning various aspects that should be considered in countering IP multimedia application spam.

ITU-T X.1244-2008由国际电信联盟 IX-ITU 发布于 2008-09-01。

ITU-T X.1244-2008 在中国标准分类中归属于: M00 标准化、质量管理,M11 通信网技术体制,M21 各种通信业务服务。

ITU-T X.1244-2008的历代版本如下:

  • 2008年09月01日 ITU-T X.1244-2008 基于互联网协议(IP)多媒体应用中反垃圾邮件的整体方面.17号研究组



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ITU-T X.1244-2008
Recommendation ITU-T X.1244 specifies the basic concepts, characteristics, and technical issues related to countering spam in IP multimedia applications such as IP telephony, instant messaging, etc. The various types of IP multimedia application spam are categorized, and each categorized group is described according to its characteristics. This Recommendation describes various spam security threats that can cause IP multimedia application spam. There are various techniques developed to control the e-mail spam which has become a social problem. Some of those techniques can be used in countering IP multimedia application spam. This Recommendation analyses the conventional spam countering mechanisms and discusses their applicability to countering IP multimedia application spam. This Recommendation concludes by mentioning various aspects that should be considered in countering IP multimedia application spam.

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