BS DD CLC/TS 50534:2010

Railway applications - Generic system architectures for onboard electric auxiliary power systems

BS DD CLC/TS 50534:2010
BS DD CLC/TS 50534:2010
CLC/TS 50535 EN 15380-4 EN 50125-1 EN 50153 EN 50155 EN 50533 EN 60077-1 EN 60077-2 EN 60310 EN 60349-2 EN 61287-1 IEC 60038
This Technical Specification defines characteristics and interfaces for electric onboard power supply systems. It applies to locomotive hauled passenger trains and electric multiple units with distributed power as well as trains with concentrated power for main-line application. The objective of this Technical Specification is to define target systems, as regards the following interfaces and characteristics in order to enable further standardisation: • interface between traction system and auxiliary power supply system; • train line type: voltage, frequency and number of poles; • interface between auxiliary power supply system and battery system; • interface of the auxiliary power supply system as well as the low voltage grid to a shore supply (stationary workshop supply or external supply); • supply concepts for essential loads e.g. HVAC systems and battery chargers; • redundancy concept within the supply systems; • auxiliary load control and protection strategy at train level. Described system and interface characteristics define the technical basis for dependent European Standards and Technical Specifications. The introduction of this Technical Specification shows this dependency to adjacent documents. Starting from a generic functional description of electric onboard energy supply systems structured in line with EN 15380-4 and a description of the related vehicle concepts, generic system architectures are derived, which are illustrated by examples of consistent sets of system designs showing interfaces and dependencies among concerned subsystems. Relevant train configuration and concerned energy supply subsystems in scope of this Technical Specification are defined in Clause 4.

BS DD CLC/TS 50534:2010相似标准



附件2 城市轨道交通装备产品认证第一批目录序号产品名称(类别)产品范围1城市轨道交通车辆车辆车体转向架总成转向架构架悬挂圆柱螺旋钢弹簧金属橡胶弹簧(一系)空气弹簧轮对组成2城市轨道交通制动系统空气压缩机制动控制装置制动夹钳单元踏面制动单元合成闸瓦合成闸片铸铁制动盘3城市轨道交通牵引传动系统牵引逆变器辅助变流器充电机异步牵引电动机车载直流高速断路器4城市轨道交通电动客车列车控制与诊断系统列车控制与诊断系统...

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