ITU-T O.191 SPANISH-2000

Equipment to measure the cell transfer performance of ATM connections

ITU-T O.191 SPANISH-2000 发布历史

The requirements for the characteristics of the ATM measuring equipment (AME) described in this Recommendation must be adhered to in order to ensure that the following objectives are met: Compatibility between test equipment produced by different manufacturers: any generation of ATM cells by the AME should be equivalent given the same control settings on different test equipment. Any analysis of ATM cell performance by the AME should provide the same results as different test equipment when provided with the same cell stream(s). Compatibility between test equipment and network equipment: any in-service measurement by the AME of network performance parameters and defects defined in Recommendations 1.356 and 1.610 should provide the same results as ne?work equipment monitoring when provided with the same cell stream(s). Compatibility between out-of-service and in-service measurements: any out-of-service analysis by the AME of performance parameters and defects defined in Recommendations 1.356 and 1.610 should provide higher quality results (in terms of accuracy and robustness) than in-service monitoring when applied to the equivalent network connection(s).

ITU-T O.191 SPANISH-2000由国际电信联盟 IX-ITU 发布于 2000-02-01。

ITU-T O.191 SPANISH-2000 在中国标准分类中归属于: M30 通信设备综合。

ITU-T O.191 SPANISH-2000 发布之时,引用了标准

  • ITU-T G.702-1988 基于SDH网的无线中继系统的结构和功能方面
  • ITU-T G.704-1998 用于1544、6312、2048、8448和44736kbit/s速率系列级的同步帧结构
  • ITU-T G.772-1993 数字传输系统的保护监测点
  • ITU-T G.832-1998 PDH网络SDH传输:框架和复接结构
  • ITU-T I.353-1996 定义ISDN和宽带ISDN性能参数的参考事件-I系列综合数字网络服务-总网络方面及功能-性能目标
  • ITU-T I.361-1999 宽带综合业务数字网ATM层规范-I系列综合数字网络服务-总网络方面及功能 研究组13.40pp

ITU-T O.191 SPANISH-2000的历代版本如下:

  • 2000年02月01日 ITU-T O.191 SPANISH-2000 测量异步传输模式(ATM)连接信元传输性能的设备.系列O:测量设备的规范;数字和模拟/数字参数的测量设备.4号研究组.72pp



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ITU-T O.191 SPANISH-2000
The requirements for the characteristics of the ATM measuring equipment (AME) described in this Recommendation must be adhered to in order to ensure that the following objectives are met: Compatibility between test equipment produced by different manufacturers: any generation of ATM cells by the AME should be equivalent given the same control settings on different test equipment. Any analysis of ATM cell performance by the AME should provide the same results as different test equipment when provided with the same cell stream(s). Compatibility between test equipment and network equipment: any in-service measurement by the AME of network performance parameters and defects defined in Recommendations 1.356 and 1.610 should provide the same results as ne?work equipment monitoring when provided with the same cell stream(s). Compatibility between out-of-service and in-service measurements: any out-of-service analysis by the AME of performance parameters and defects defined in Recommendations 1.356 and 1.610 should provide higher quality results (in terms of accuracy and robustness) than in-service monitoring when applied to the equivalent network connection(s).

ITU-T O.191 SPANISH-2000 中可能用到的仪器设备

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