ISO 1519:2011

Paints and varnishes - Bend test (cylindrical mandrel)

ISO 1519:2011
ISO 1519:2011
ISO 1513 ISO 1514 ISO 15528 ISO 2808
This International Standard specifies an empirical test procedure for assessing the resistance of a coating of paint, varnish or related product to cracking and/or detachment from a metal or plastics substrate when subjected to bending round a cylindrical mandrel under standard conditions. For a multi-coat system, each coat can be tested separately or the complete system can be tested. The method specified can be carried out ⎯ either as a “pass/fail” test, by carrying out the test with a single specified size of mandrel, to assess compliance with a particular requirement; ⎯ or by repeating the procedure using successively smaller mandrels to determine the diameter of the first mandrel over which the coating cracks and/or becomes detached from the substrate. Two types of apparatus are specified, type 1 being appropriate for use on test panels of thickness up to 0,3 mm, and type 2 for use on test panels of thickness up to 1,0 mm. Both types of apparatus have been found to give similar results with the same coating, but normally only one will be used for testing a given product.

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