VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003

Gaseous ambient air measurement - Indoor air pollution measurement - Gas chromatographic determination of organic compounds; Calibration procedures as a measure for quality assurance

VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003 发布历史

The document concerns the analytical determination of volatile organic compounds. Practice has shown that the calibration of the analytical procedure used is not without problems. Here, attention must be paid from the start to how the calibration is integrated into the analytical procedure as a measure from quantification and quality assurance.

VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003由德国机械工程师协会 DE-VDI 发布于 2003-11。

VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003在国际标准分类中归属于: 13.040.20 环境空气。

VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003 发布之时,引用了标准

  • DIN 1871-1999 气体燃料和其它气体.密度和其它与体积相关的数量值
  • DIN 38407-9-1991 德国检验水、废水和污泥的标准方法.第9部分:物质分组分析(F 组).用气相色谱分析方法对苯和某些衍生物的测定(F 9)
  • DIN 38413-2-1988 德国检验水、废水和污泥的标准方法.专用组分(P 组).第2部分:采用气相色谱法对氯乙烯的测定(P)
  • DIN V ENV 13005-1999 测量时不确定性说明的指南
  • DIN EN ISO 9001-2000 质量管理体系.要求
  • DIN EN ISO 10301-1997 水质.易挥发卤化烃含量测定.气相色谱法
  • DIN EN ISO 16017-1-2001 室内空气、环境空气和工作场所空气.挥发性有机化合物分析和取样:吸附管/热解吸/毛细管气相色谱法.第1部分:抽吸式取样
  • ISO 6142-2001 气体分析 标定用混合气体的制备 称重法
  • ISO 6143-2001 气体分析 测定并检查标定用混合气体成分的比较方法

VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003的历代版本如下:

  • 2002年12月01日 VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2002 Messen gasfoermiger Verbindungen in der Aussenluft - Messen von Innenraumluftverunreinigungen - Gaschromatographische Bestimmung organischer Verbindungen; Kalibrierverfahren als Massnahme zur Qualitaetssicherung
  • 2003年11月 VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003
  • 2013年03月01日 VDI 2100 BLATT 4-2013 Gaseous ambient air measurement - Indoor air pollution measurement; Gas chromatographic determination of organic compounds - Calibration procedures as a measure for quality assurance
  • 2015年03月 VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2015

VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003 由 VDI 3864 Blatt 1-2000 变更而来。

VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003 由 VDI 3864 Blatt 2-2001 变更而来。



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VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2003
VDI 2100 Blatt 4-2015
The document concerns the analytical determination of volatile organic compounds. Practice has shown that the calibration of the analytical procedure used is not without problems. Here, attention must be paid from the start to how the calibration is integrated into the analytical procedure as a measure from quantification and quality assurance.

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