ASTM G177-03(2012)
参考太阳紫外线光谱分布的标准表: 37度斜面上半球状

Standard Tables for Reference Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Distributions: Hemispherical on 37deg; Tilted Surface

ASTM G177-03(2012) 发布历史

ASTM G177-03(2012)由美国材料与试验协会 US-ASTM 发布于 2003。

ASTM G177-03(2012) 发布之时,引用了标准

  • ASTM E490 标准太阳常数和零空气质量太阳光谱辐照度表
  • ASTM E772 有关太阳能转换的标准术语

ASTM G177-03(2012)的历代版本如下:

  • 2020年 ASTM G177-03(2020) 参考太阳紫外光谱分布标准表:37°;倾斜表面半球形
  • 2003年 ASTM G177-03(2012) 参考太阳紫外线光谱分布的标准表: 37度斜面上半球状
  • 2003年 ASTM G177-03(2008)e1 太阳紫外线光谱分布参考标准表:37度倾斜表面上的半球形分布
  • 2003年 ASTM G177-03e1 太阳紫外线光谱分布参考标准表:37度倾斜表面上的半球形分布
  • 2003年 ASTM G177-03 太阳紫外线光谱分布参考标准表:37度倾斜表面上的半球形分布


5. Significance and UseTop Bottom

5.1 This standard does not purport to address the mean level of solar ultraviolet spectral irradiance to which materials will be subjected during their useful life. The spectral irradiance distributions have been chosen to represent a reasonable upper limit for natural solar ultraviolet radiation that ought to be considered when evaluating the behavior of materials under various exposure conditions.

5.2 Absorptance, reflectance, and transmittance of solar energy are important factors in material degradation studies. These properties are normally functions of wavelength, which require that the spectral distribution of the solar flux be known before the solar-weighted property can be calculated.

5.3 The interpretation of the behavior of materials exposed to either natural solar radiation or ultraviolet radiation from artificial light sources requires an understanding of the spectral energy distribution employed. To compare the relative performance of competitive products, or to compare the performance of products before and after being subjected to weathering or other exposure conditions, a reference standard solar spectral distribution is desirable.

5.4 A plot of the SMARTS2 model output for the reference hemispherical UV radiation on a 37?? south facing tilted surface is shown in Fig. 1. The input needed by SMARTS2 to generate the spectrum for the prescribed conditions are shown in Table 1.

FIG. 1 Total Hemispherical Ultraviolet Reference Spectra Based on SMARTS2 Runs for AM1.05 UV Spectral Profile (a) Linear Scale; (b) Logarithmic ScaleTABLE 1 SMARTS Version 2.9.2 Input File to Generate the Reference Spectra

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ASTM G177-03(2012)

ASTM G177-03(2012)
ASTM G177-03(2020)
ASTM G177-03(2020)

ASTM G177-03(2012)相似标准

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