ASTM E2848-13

Standard Test Method for Reporting Photovoltaic Non-Concentrator System Performance

ASTM E2848-13
ASTM E2848-13(2018)
ASTM E2848-13(2023)
ASTM D6176 ASTM E1036 ASTM E1040 ASTM E1125 ASTM E1362 ASTM E2527 ASTM E772 ASTM E824 ASTM E927 ASTM E948 ASTM E973 ASTM G138 ASTM G167 ASTM G173 ASTM G183 IEEE 1526-2003 IEEE 1547-2003

5.1 Because there are a number of choices in this test method that depend on different applications and system configurations, it is the responsibility of the user of this test method to specify the details and protocol of an individual system power measurement prior to the beginning of a measurement.

5.2 Unlike device-level measurements that report performance at a fixed device temperature of 25°C, such as Test Methods E1036, this test method uses regression to a reference ambient air temperature.

5.2.1 System power values calculated using this test method are therefore much more indicative of the power a system actually produces compared with reporting performance at a relatively cold device temperature such as 25°C.

5.2.2 Using ambient temperature reduces the complexity of the data acquisition and analysis by avoiding the issues associated with defining and measuring the device temperature of an entire photovoltaic system.

5.2.3 The user of this test method must select the time period over which system data are collected, and the averaging interval for the data collection within the constraints of 8.3.

5.2.4 It is assumed that the system performance does not degrade or change during the data collection time period. This assumption influences the selection of the data collection period because system performance can have seasonal variations.

5.3 The irradiance shall be measured in the plane of the modules under test. If multiple planes exist (particularly in the case of rolling terrain), then the plane or planes in which irradiance measurement will occur must be reported with the test results. In the case where this test method is to be used for acceptance testing of a photovoltaic system or reporting of photovoltaic system performance for contractual purposes, the plane or planes in which irradiance measurement will occur must be agreed upon by the parties to the test prior to the start of the test.

Note 1In general, the irradiance measurement should occur in the plane in which the majority of modules are oriented. Placing the measurement device in a plane with a larger tilt than the majority will cause apparent under-performance in the winter and over-performance in the summer.

5.3.1 The linear regression results will be most reliable when the measured irradiance, ambient temperature, and wind speed data during the data collection period are distributed around the reporting conditions. When this is not the case, the reported power will be an extrapolation to the reporting conditions.

5.4 Accumulation of dirt (soiling) on the photovoltaic modules can have a significant impact on the system rating. The user of this test may want to eliminate or quantify the level of soiling on the modules prior to conducting the test.

5.5 Repeated regression calculations on the same system to the same RC and using the same type of irradiance measurement device over successive data collection periods can be used to monitor performance changes as a function of time.

5.6 Capacity determinations are power measurements and are adequate to demonstrate system completeness. However, a single ca......

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