CFR 26-1.7874-2014
国内税收. 第1部分:所得税. 第1.7874节:1-5T.

Internal revenue. Part1:Income taxes. Section1.7874:1-5T.



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CFR 26-1.7874-2014
CFR 26-1.7874-2014
(a) Scope. Section 7874(c)(2)(A) provides that stock of the foreign corporation referred to in section 7874(a)(2)(B) held by members of the expanded affiliated group (EAG) that includes such foreign corporation shall not be taken into account in determining ownership for purposes of section 7874(a)(2)(B)(ii). This section provides rules under section 7874(c)(2)(A). The rules provided in this section are also subject to section 7874(c)(4). (a) Scope. This section identifies certain stock of the foreign acquiring corporation that is disregarded in determining the ownership fraction (as defined in paragraph (i)(9) of this section) and modifies the scope of section 7874(c)(2)(B). Paragraph (b) of this section sets forth the general rule that certain stock of the foreign acquiring corporation, and only such stock, is treated as stock described in section 7874(c)(2)(B) and therefore is excluded from the denominator of the ownership fraction. Paragraph (c) of this section identifies the stock of the foreign acquiring corporation that is subject to paragraph (b) of this section. Paragraph (d) of this section provides a de minimis exception to the application of the general exclusion rule of paragraph (b) of this section. Paragraph (e) of this section addresses transfers of stock of the foreign acquiring corporation involving certain obligations. Paragraph (f) of this section provides rules for certain transfers of stock of the foreign acquiring corporation involving multiple properties or obligations. Paragraph (g) of this section provides rules for the treatment of partnerships, and paragraph (h) of this section provides rules addressing the interaction of this section with the expanded affiliated group rules of section 7874(c)(2)(A) and §1.7874–1. Paragraph (i) of this section provides definitions. Paragraph (j) of this section provides examples illustrating the application of the rules of this section. Paragraph (k) of this section provides dates of applicability, and paragraph (l) of this section provides the date of expiration. (a) General rule. Stock of a foreign corporation that is described in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(ii) shall not cease to be so described as a result of any subsequent transfer of the stock by the former shareholder (within the meaning of §1.7874–2(b)(2)) or former partner (within the meaning of §1.7874–2(b)(3)) that received such stock, even if the subsequent transfer is related to the acquisition described in section 7874(a)(2)(B)(i).

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