ASTM D4873/D4873M-2016
土工合成卷形物和样品的识别, 储存和搬运标准指南

Standard Guide for Identification, Storage, and Handling of Geosynthetic Rolls and Samples


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ASTM D4873/D4873M-2016

4.1x00a0;For a geosynthetic to be properly used it must be adequately identified and packaged. It must be handled and stored in such a way that its physical property values are not degraded. Failure to follow good practice may result in the unnecessary failure of the geosynthetic in a properly designed application.

4.2x00a0;This guide is not intended to replace project-specific storage, handling, identification, packaging, or installation requirements or quality assurance programs.

1.1x00a0;This guide provides guidelines for the identification and packaging of rolled geosynthetics by the manufacturer and for the handling and storage of geosynthetics by the end user. This guide is not to be considered as all encompassing since each project involving geosynthetics presents its own challenges and special conditions. Geosynthetic samples are often taken at manufacturer, supplier, or at the job site primarily for the purpose of conformance testing and verification. These samples should be properly labeled for identification purposes.

1.2x00a0;This guide is intended to aid manufacturers, suppliers, purchasers, and users of geosynthetics for identification, handling, and storage.

1.3x00a0;This guide is not applicable for factory fabricated panels due to a different set of identifications for the panel by the fabricator. For Fabricated Geomembrane Panels, refer to Guide D7865.

1.4x00a0;This guide is not intended for Geosynthetic Clay Liners. For GCLx2019;s, refer to Guide D5888.

1.5x00a0;This guide is also applicable to geosynthetic samples.

1.6x00a0;Each type of Geosynthetic is listed by section to address specific requirements.


Geotextiles x2013; Section 5


Geogrids x2013; Section 6


Geomembrane Rolls x2013; Section 7


Geonets x2013; Section 8


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