ASTM G178-16
采用长通滤波器或光谱技术测定材料激活光谱 (对暴露源波长灵敏度) 的标准实施规程

Standard Practice for Determining the Activation Spectrum of a Material (Wavelength Sensitivity to an Exposure Source) Using the Sharp Cut-On Filter or Spectrographic Technique

ASTM G178-16
ASTM G178-16(2023)
ASTM G178-16(2023)
ASTM D1435 ASTM D1499 ASTM D2244 ASTM D256 ASTM D2565 ASTM D4141 ASTM D4329 ASTM D4364 ASTM D4459 ASTM D4508 ASTM D4587 ASTM D5031 ASTM D6360 ASTM D638 ASTM D6695 ASTM D822 ASTM E275 ASTM E313 ASTM E925 ASTM G113 ASTM G147 ASTM G152 ASTM G153 ASTM G154 ASTM G155 ASTM G24 ASTM G7 ASTM G90

4.1 The activation spectrum identifies the spectral region(s) of the specific exposure source used that may be primarily responsible for changes in appearance and/or physical properties of the material.

4.2 The spectrographic technique uses a prism or grating spectrograph to determine the effect on the material of isolated narrow spectral bands of the light source, each in the absence of other wavelengths.

4.3 The sharp cut-on filter technique uses a specially designed set of sharp cut-on UV/visible transmitting glass filters to determine the relative actinic effects of individual spectral bands of the light source during simultaneous exposure to wavelengths longer than the spectral band of interest.

4.4 Both the spectrographic and filter techniques provide activation spectra, but they differ in several respects:

4.4.1 The spectrographic technique generally provides better resolution since it determines the effects of narrower spectral portions of the light source than the filter technique.

4.4.2 The filter technique is more representative of the polychromatic radiation to which samples are normally exposed with different, and sometimes antagonistic, photochemical processes often occurring simultaneously. However, since the filters only transmit wavelengths longer than the cut-on wavelength of each filter, antagonistic processes by wavelengths shorter than the cut-on are eliminated.

4.4.3 In the filter technique, separate specimens are used to determine the effect of the spectral bands and the specimens are sufficiently large for measurement of both mechanical and optical changes. In the spectrographic technique, except in the case of spectrographs as large as the Okazaki type (1),3 a single small specimen is used to determine the relative effects of all the spectral bands. Thus, property changes are limited to those that can be measured on very small sections of the specimen.

4.5 The information provided by activation spectra on the spectral region of the light source responsible for the degradation in theory has application to stabilization as well as to stability testing of polymeric materials (2).

4.5.1 Activation spectra based on exposure of the unstabilized material to solar radiation identify the light screening requirements and thus the type of ultraviolet absorber to use for optimum screening protection. The closer the match of the absorption spectrum of a UV absorber to the activation spectrum of the material, the more effective the screening. However, a good match of the UV absorption spectrum of the UV absorber to the activation spectrum does not necessarily assure adequate protection since it is not the only criteria for selecting an effective UV absorber. Factors such as dispersion, compatibility, migration and others can hav......

Science文摘 | 微型光谱30年进展

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