ASTM D7758-17
为识别来源, 评定空间变异性, 监测及评估蒸汽侵入而在渗流区进行被动土壤气体采样的标准实施规程

Standard Practice for Passive Soil Gas Sampling in the Vadose Zone for Source Identification, Spatial Variability Assessment, Monitoring, and Vapor Intrusion Evaluations

ASTM D7758-17
ASTM D7758-17
ASTM D1356 ASTM D2216 ASTM D2487 ASTM D3740 ASTM D4597 ASTM D5088 ASTM D5314 ASTM D5792 ASTM D6196 ASTM D6311 ASTM D653 ASTM E2600

5.1 Passive soil gas samplers are a minimally invasive, easy-to-use technique in the field for identifying VOCs and SVOCs in the vadose zone. Similar to active soil gas and other field screening techniques, the simplicity and low cost of passive samplers enables them to be applied in large numbers, facilitating detailed mapping of contamination across a site, for the purpose of identifying source areas and release locations, focusing subsequent soil and groundwater sampling locations, focusing remediation plans, identifying vapor intrusion pathways, tracking groundwater plumes, and monitoring remediation progress. Data generated from passive soil gas sampling are semi-quantitative and are dependent on numerous factors both within and outside the control of the sampling personnel. Key variables are identified and briefly discussed in the following sections.

Note 1: Additional non-mandatory information on these factors or variables are covered in the applicable standards referenced in Section 2, and the footnotes and Bibliography presented herewith.

5.2 Application—The techniques described in this practice are suitable for sampling soil gas with sorbent samplers in a wide variety of geological settings for subsequent analysis for VOCs and SVOCs. The techniques also may prove useful for species other than VOCs and SVOCs, such as elemental mercury, with specialized sorbent media and analysis.

5.2.1 Source Identification and Spatial Variability Assessment—Passive soil gas sampling can be an effective method to identify contaminant source areas in the vadose zone and delineate the extent of contamination. By collecting samples in a grid with fewer data gaps, the method allows for an increase in data density and, therefore, provides a high-resolution depiction of the nature and extent of contamination across the survey area. By comparing the results, as qualitative or quantitative, from one location to another, the relative distribution and spatial variability of the contaminants in the subsurface can be determined, thereby improving the conceptual site model. Areas of the site reporting non-detects can be removed from further investigation, while subsequent sampling and remediation can be focused in areas determined from the PSG survey to be impacted.

5.2.2 Monitoring—Passive soil gas samplers are used to monitor changes in site conditions (for example, new releases on-site, an increase in contaminant concentrations in groundwater from onsite or off-site sources, and effectiveness of remedial system performance) as reflected by the changes in soil gas results at fixed locations over time. An initial set of data is collected to establish a baseline and subsequent data sets are collected for comparison. The sampling and analytical procedures should remain as near to constant as possible so significant changes in soil gas results can be attributed to those changes in subsurface contaminant levels at the site that will then warrant further investigation to identify the cause.

5.2.3 Vapor Intrusion Evaluation—Passive soil gas sampling can be used to identify vapo

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监测 ▍VOCs监测行业大爆炸,或引发500亿市场释放

此外,识别VOCs等空气污染物区域污染状况,美国政府定期进行全国范围内有毒空气污染物风险评估,并建立基于风险评估模型和污染物普查结果有毒空气污染物控制基准体系。目前已有12种VOCs物质被列为国家层面或区域层面具有较高健康风险有毒空气污染物。  B、欧盟:实施分级控制标准,成员国规定限制  欧盟各成员国加强对单项VOCs物质管制,同时实施分级控制标准。...


详细调查和风险评估(若需要):针对超标区域开展进一步详细采样监测工作,并评估地块土壤和地下水中污染物对人群主要暴露途径,评估污染物对人体健康致癌风险或危害水平是否可接受。风险评估具体工作要求参照:《建设用地土壤污染风险评估技术导则》(HJ 25.3-2019),地块风险评估工作内容包括危害识别、暴露评估、毒性评估、风险表征,以及土壤和地下水风险控制值计算;4....

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