ASTM D1693-15

Standard Test Method for Environmental Stress-Cracking of Ethylene Plastics

ASTM D1693-15
ASTM D1693-15e1
ASTM D1693-21
ASTM D1204 ASTM D1248 ASTM D3350 ASTM D4703 ASTM D4976 ASTM D618 ASTM D883 ASTM E691

5.1 This test method may be used for routine inspection purposes by subjecting a required number of specimens to the test conditions for a specified time and noting the number that fail. The cracking obtained with the test reagent is indicative of what may be expected from a wide variety of surface-active agents, soaps, and organic substances that are not absorbed appreciably by the polymer.

5.2 Environmental stress-cracking is a property that is highly dependent upon the nature and level of the stresses applied and on the thermal history of the specimen (1). Under the conditions of the test method, high local multiaxial stresses are developed through the introduction of a controlled imperfection (2, 3). Environmental stress-cracking has been found to occur most readily under such conditions.

Note 2: Different types of polyethylene plastics as defined in Specification D1248 are generally tested under different levels of strain and stress. When it is expressly desired to compare the types at equal levels of strain, the specimens for all types should be tested under Condition B, Table 1 (4) .

(A) Dimensional values are not exactly equivalent. However, for referee purposes the metric units shall apply.
(B) For referee purposes, concentration of Igepal will be consistent with the appropriate material standard. If no concentration is given, then 108201;% volume solution shall be used.
(C) At a temperature of 100°C, a full-strength reagent, rather than an aqueous solution of a reagent, is generally used because solutions tend to change their compositions by water evaporation losses during the period of test.

5.3 Information from this test method is not intended to be used for direct application to engineering problems.

Note 3: Caution should be used in comparing and ranking various ethylene plastics into distinct and separate groups by this test method (see Section 13 and Note 12).
As thermal history is recognized as an important variable, test results by this test method employing laboratory molded samples cannot necessarily be expected to show agreement with test results from samples obtained by other means. The true performance potential of a given ethylene plastic may, however, best be determined with specimens obtained from commercially prepared items (5).


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