GB/T 42535-2023
Boiler Periodic Inspection (English Version)

Chinese Std
Standard No.
GB/T 42535-2023
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
GB/T 42535-2023
Introduction to "GB/T 42535-2023 Boiler Periodic Inspection" "GB/T 42535-2023 Boiler Periodic Inspection" is a national standard in China that outlines the guidelines and requirements for conducting periodic inspections on boilers. This standard aims to ensure the safe and efficient operation of boilers by identifying potential issues and implementing necessary maintenance measures. The periodic inspection of boilers is crucial to prevent accidents, extend the lifespan of boilers, and optimize their performance. This standard provides a comprehensive framework for conducting inspections, including the frequency of inspections, inspection methods, and evaluation criteria. It covers various types of boilers, including steam boilers, hot water boilers, and organic heat carrier boilers. The standard emphasizes the importance of inspecting key components such as pressure vessels, heat exchangers, safety valves, and control systems. It also highlights the need for thorough examination of boiler operation records, maintenance history, and compliance with relevant regulations. By adhering to the guidelines mentioned in "GB/T 42535-2023 Boiler Periodic Inspection," boiler operators and maintenance personnel can ensure the safe and reliable operation of boilers. The standard serves as a valuable reference for inspection agencies, technical personnel, and regulatory authorities involved in the boiler industry. In conclusion, the "GB/T 42535-2023 Boiler Periodic Inspection" standard plays a vital role in promoting the safety and efficiency of boilers in China. It provides a comprehensive framework for conducting regular inspections, enabling the identification and rectification of potential issues. Adherence to this standard is crucial for maintaining the optimal performance and extending the lifespan of boilers.

GB/T 42535-2023 history

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