GB/T 39493-2020
Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning appliances—Particular requirements—Pressure regulators

Standard No.
GB/T 39493-2020
Release Date
Published By
GB/T 39493-2020
This standard specifies the classification and grouping, structure and materials, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, marks, installation and operation instructions, packaging, transportation and storage. This standard applies to gas-fired water heaters, gas heating water heaters, gas cookers, gas burners/machines, gas heaters, gas steamers, gas boilers, etc. The following pressure regulating devices for appliances or combustion equipment: --- self-operated pressure regulating device; --- auxiliary energy can be used, and the auxiliary energy is only used to change the outlet pressure setting rather than the positive pressure, zero pressure and negative pressure of the control mode pressure regulator. This standard does not apply to: --- Pressure regulating devices installed outdoors and exposed to the environment; --- Gas/air ratio regulating devices/systems.

GB/T 39493-2020 Referenced Document

  • GB/T 13611 Classification and basic characteristics of city gas
  • GB/T 2828 Batch-by-batch inspection counting sampling procedure and sampling table (applicable to continuous batch inspection)
  • GB/T 30597-2014 General requirements of safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning appliances

GB/T 39493-2020 history

  • 2020 GB/T 39493-2020 Safety and control devices for gas burners and gas-burning appliances—Particular requirements—Pressure regulators

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