GB/T 38888-2020
Performance and calibration methods for data acquisition software

Standard No.
GB/T 38888-2020
Release Date
Published By
GB/T 38888-2020
This standard specifies the performance characteristics and calibration methods of data acquisition software. This standard covers: - the DAQ manufacturer provides a minimum specification describing the performance of the DAQ's analog-to-digital module (ADM); - the standard test strategy used to verify the minimum specification requirements; - the minimum required ADM stored on the DAQ Calibration Information; Minimum calibration software requirements for external calibration and self-calibration of ADMs for one-DAQ. This standard applies to DAQ for low-frequency signal-to-signal conversion. Example: Low-frequency signal conversion applied in equipment control, vibration measurement, vibration diagnosis, acoustics, ultrasonic measurement, temperature measurement, pressure measurement, power electronics measurement, etc.

GB/T 38888-2020 history

  • 2020 GB/T 38888-2020 Performance and calibration methods for data acquisition software

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