GB/T 19052-2003
Acoustics--Noise emitted by machinery and equipment--Rules for the drafting and presentation of a noise test code (English Version)

GB/T 19052-2003
Standard No.
GB/T 19052-2003
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
GB/T 19052-2003
This standard specifies the technical requirements for noise test specifications for a specified series of machines or equipment, mainly for stationary machines and equipment, but also for hand-held tools and equipment that generates noise hazards due to movement or lifting of heavy objects. The noise test specification can be used to compare the test results of the same series of machine noise emission values, and the user can compare or check the published noise emission data. The quantities described in the noise test specification can also be used in the noise specification in the supply and demand contract for planning and noise reduction purposes. Specific test specifications for various types of machines and equipment are formulated and used according to the requirements of the basic standards. Standardized noise test specifications give specific requirements for the installation, loading and operation conditions of the specified series of machines and equipment to be tested, as well as the working position and other specified locations. The purpose of this standard is to assist the technical standardization committee responsible for a given series of machines or equipment in drafting noise test specifications in order to ensure that such specifications - as uniform as possible with each test specification having the same basic structure; The measurement, labeling and verification of emission values are completely consistent; — reflect the latest technical knowledge of the method of determining the noise emission value of the specified series of machines or equipment under consideration. NOTE: Appendix A lists the basic criteria to be used in drafting noise test specifications. Appendix 8 summarizes the information required for typical noise test specifications. Appendix C describes noise emissions.

GB/T 19052-2003 history

  • 2003 GB/T 19052-2003 Acoustics--Noise emitted by machinery and equipment--Rules for the drafting and presentation of a noise test code

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