GB/T 19710-2005
Geographic Information-Metadata (English Version)

Chinese Std
Standard No.
GB/T 19710-2005
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
GB/T 19710-2005
Replace By
GB/T 19710.1-2023
This standard defines the schema needed to describe geographic information and its services. It provides information on digital geographic data identification, coverage, quality, spatial and temporal patterns, spatial reference, and distribution. This standard applies to: - cataloging of datasets, complete description of datasets and data services of data exchange websites; - geographic datasets, dataset series, and description of individual geographic features and feature attributes. This standard defines: - mandatory and conditional metadata subsets, metadata entities and metadata elements; - the minimum set of metadata required for data transmission and digital data applications); - optional metadata elements to allow a more detailed description of geographic data if necessary, - extensions to metadata to meet special needs method. While this standard is suitable for numerical data, the principles can be extended to many other forms of geographic information, such as maps, charts and text files, as well as non-geographic data.

GB/T 19710-2005 history

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