Determination of hydrogen chloride

Determination of hydrogen chloride, Total:13 items.

In the international standard classification, Determination of hydrogen chloride involves: Air quality, Vocabularies, Furniture, Environmental protection, Analytical chemistry, Inorganic chemicals.

Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Determination of hydrogen chloride

  • KS M 2102-1995 Methods for determination of hydrogen chloride in flue gas

CZ-CSN, Determination of hydrogen chloride

  • CSN 83 4751 Cast.6-1987 Air pollution control. Determination of chlorine and hydrogen chloride emissions from stationary sources. Determination of Cl2 and HCl

Professional Standard - Environmental Protection, Determination of hydrogen chloride

  • HJ 549-2009 Ambient air and waste gas.Determination of hydrogen chloride.Ion chromatography
  • HJ 549-2016 Ambient air and stationary source emissions -Determination of Hydrogen Chloride-Ion Chromatography
  • HJ 548-2009 Stationary source emissions.Determination of hydrogen chloride.Silver nitrate titration method
  • HJ 548-2016 Stationary source emissions-Determination of hydrogen chloride-Silver nitrate titration
  • HJ/T 27-1999 Stationary source emission-determination of hydrogen chloride.Mercuric thiocyanate spectrophotometric method

RU-GOST R, Determination of hydrogen chloride

  • GOST 34041-2016 Furniture, timber and polymers. The method for determination of hydrogen chloride in the air of climatic chambers

Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, Determination of hydrogen chloride

  • T/CQEEMA 3-2021 Stationary sources emission —Determination of hydrogen chloride—Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometry

Jiangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, Determination of hydrogen chloride

  • DB36/T 1387-2021 Portable Fourier Transform Infrared Absorption Method for Determination of Ammonia and Hydrogen Chloride in Stationary Pollution Source Waste Gas

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Determination of hydrogen chloride

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