transport ibc

transport ibc, Total:5 items.

In the international standard classification, transport ibc involves: Protection against dangerous goods, Freight distribution of goods.

German Institute for Standardization, transport ibc

  • DIN EN ISO 13274:2014-06 Packaging - Transport packaging for dangerous goods - Plastics compatibility testing for packaging and IBCs (ISO 13274:2013 + Cor. 1:2014); German version EN ISO 13274:2013 + AC:2014

British Standards Institution (BSI), transport ibc

  • BS EN ISO 13274:2013 Packaging. Transport packaging for dangerous goods. Plastics compatibility testing for packaging and IBCs

ES-UNE, transport ibc

  • UNE-EN ISO 13274:2014/AC:2014 Packaging - Transport packaging for dangerous goods - Plastics compatibility testing for packaging and IBCs - Technical Corrigendum 1 (ISO 13274:2013/Cor 1:2014)

Standard Association of Australia (SAA), transport ibc

IMO - International Maritime Organization, transport ibc

  • ID100E-2016 IBC Code - International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (2016 Edition)

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