heat of crystallization

heat of crystallization, Total:7 items.

In the international standard classification, heat of crystallization involves: Testing of metals, Thermodynamics and temperature measurements, Insulating materials.

HU-MSZT, heat of crystallization

工业和信息化部, heat of crystallization

  • YS/T 1257-2018 Differential scanning calorimetry for melting and crystallization enthalpy tests of non-ferrous metal materials

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), heat of crystallization

  • ASTM E793-06 Standard Test Method for Enthalpies of Fusion and Crystallization by Differential Scanning Calorimetry

Association Francaise de Normalisation, heat of crystallization

  • NF EN ISO 11357-3:2018 Plastiques - Analyse calorimétrique différentielle (DSC) - Partie 3 : détermination de la température et de l'enthalpie de fusion et de cristallisation

Professional Standard - Machinery, heat of crystallization

  • JB/T 8630-1997 Test method of determining melting heat, melting point and crystallization heat and crystallizing point of electrical insulation materials with differential scanning calorimetric method

RO-ASRO, heat of crystallization

  • STAS 10207/10-1986 VITREOUS AND CRYSTALLIZED ENAMELS Determination of thermal shock resistance
  • STAS 10207/4-1984 VITREOUS AND CRYSTALLIZED ENAMELS Determination of resistance to hot sodium hydroxide

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