17.120.10 封闭管道中流量的测量 标准查询与下载

共找到 602 条与 封闭管道中流量的测量 相关的标准,共 41

Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits — Clamp-on ultrasonic transit-time meters for liquids and gases


Measurement of fluid flow rate in closed conduits — Radioactive tracer methods


Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices — Guidelines on the effect of departure from the specifications and operating conditions given in ISO 5167


Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure-differential devices — Guidelines for the specification of orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes beyond the scope of ISO 5167 series


Guidelines for the use of ISO 5167:2022


1.1 This practice describes procedures and methodologies based on the statistical principles of Practice D6708 to validate whether the degree of agreement between the results produced by a total analyzer system (or its subsystem), versus the results produced by an independent test method that purports to measure the same property, meets user-specified requirements. This is a performance-based validation, to be conducted using a set of materials that are not used a priori in the development of any correlation between the two measurement systems under investigation. A result from the independent test method is herein referred to as a Primary Test Method Result (PTMR). 1.1.1 The degree of agreement described in 1.1 can be either for PPTMRs and PTMRs measured on the same materials, or for PPTMRs measured on basestocks and PTMRs measured on these same basestocks after constant level additivation. 1.1.2 In some cases, a two-step procedure is employed. In the first step, the analyzer and PTM are applied to the measurement of the same blendstock material. If the analyzer employed in Step 1 is a multivariate spectrophotometric analyzer, then Practice D6122 is used to access the agreement between the PPTMRs and the PTMRs for this first step. Otherwise, this practice is used to compare the PPTMRs to the PTMRs measured for this blendstock to determine the degree of agreement. In a second step, the PPTMRs produced in Step 1 are used as inputs to a second model that predicts the results obtained when the PTM is applied to the analysis of the finished blended product. Since this second step does not use analyzer readings, the validation of the second step is done independently. Step 2 is only performed on valid Step 1 results. Note that the second model might accommodate variable levels or multiple material additions to the blendstock. 1.2 This practice assumes any correlation necessary to mitigate systemic biases between the analyzer system and PTM have been applied to the analyzer results. See Guide D7235 for procedures for establishing such correlations. 1.3 This practice assumes any modeling techniques employed have the necessary tuning to mitigate systemic biases between the analyzer PPTMR and PTMR have been applied to the model results. Model form and tuning is not covered by this practice, only the validation of the model output. 1.4 This practice requires that both the primary method against which the analyzer is compared to, and the analyzer system under investigation, are in statistical control. Practices described in Practice D6299 should be used to ensure this condition is met. 1.5 This practice applies if the process stream analyzer system and the primary test method are based on the same measurement principle(s), or, if the process stream analyzer system uses a direct and well-understood measurement principle that is similar to the measurement principle of the primary test method. This practice also applies if the process stream analyzer system uses a different measurement technology from the primary test method, provided that the calibration protocol for the direct output of the analyzer does not require use of the PTMRs (see Case 1 in Note 1). 1.6 This practice does not apply if the process stream analyzer system utilizes an indirect or mathematically modeled measurement principle such as chemometric or multivariate analysis techniques where PTMRs are required for the chemometric or multivariate model development. Users should refer to Practice D6122 for detailed validation procedures for these types of analyzer systems (see Case 2 in Note 1). NOTE 1—For example, for the measurement of benzene in spark ignition fuels, comparison of a Mid-Infrared process analyzer system based on Test Method D6277 to a Test Method D3606 gas chromatography primary test method would be considered Case 1, and this practice would apply. For each sample, the Mid-Infrared spectrum is converted into a single analyzer result using methodology (Test Method D6277) that is independent of the primary test method (Test Method D3606). However, when the same analyzer uses a multivariate model to correlate the measured Mid-Infrared spectrum to Test Method D3606 reference values using the methodology of Practice D8321, it is considered Case 2 and Practice D6122 applies. In this case 2 example, the direct output of the analyzer is the spectrum, and the conversion of this multivariate output to an analyzer result require use of Practice D6122, hence it is not independent of the primary test method. 1.7 Performance Validation is conducted by calculating the precision and bias of the differences between results from the analyzer system (or subsystem) after the application of any necessary correlation, (such results are herein referred to as Predicted Primary Test Method Results (PPTMRs)), versus the PTMRs for the same sample set. Results used in the calculation are for samples that are not used in the development of the correlation. The calculated precision and bias are statistically compared to user-specified requirements for the analyzer system application. 1.7.1 For analyzers used in product release or product quality certification applications, the precision and bias requirement for the degree of agreement are typically based on the site or published precision of the Primary Test Method. NOTE 2—In most applications of this type, the PTM is the specificationcited test method. 1.7.2 This practice does not describe procedures for establishing precision and bias requirements for analyzer system applications. Such requirements must be based on the criticality of the results to the intended business application and on contractual and regulatory requirements. The user must establish precision and bias requirements prior to initiating the validation procedures described herein. 1.8 Two procedures for validation are described: the line sample procedure and the validation reference material (VRM) injection procedure. 1.9 Only the analyzer system or subsystem downstream of the VRM injection point or the line sample extraction point is being validated by this practice. 1 This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D02.25 on Performance Assessment and Validation of Process Stream Analyzer Systems. Current edition approved July 1, 2023. Published July 2023. Originally approved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 2022 as D3764 – 22. DOI: 10.1520/ D3764-23. D3764 − 23 2 1.10 The line sample procedure is limited to applications where material can be safely withdrawn from the sampling point of the analyzer unit without significantly altering the property of interest. 1.10.1 The line sample procedure is the primary option for when the validation is for (2b) materials including effect from additional treatment to the material. 1.11 Validation information obtained in the application of this practice is applicable only to the type and property range of the materials used to perform the validation. 1.12 Two types of validation are described: General Validation, and Level Specific Validation. These are typically conducted at installation or after major maintenance once the system mechanical fitness-for-use has been established. 1.12.1 General Validation is based on the statistical principles and methodology of Practice D6708. In most cases, General Validation is preferred, but may not always be possible if the variation in validation materials is insufficient. General Validation will validate analyzer operation over a wider operating range than Level Specific Validation. 1.12.2 When the variation in available validation materials is insufficient to satisfy the requirements of Practice D6708, a Level Specific Validation is done to validate analyzer operation over a limited range. 1.12.3 The validation outcome are considered valid only within the range covered by the validation material Data from several different Validations (general or level-specific) can potentially be combined for use in a General Validation. 1.13 Procedures for the continual validation of system performance are described. These procedures are typically applied at a frequency commensurate with the criticality of the application. 1.14 This practice does not address procedures for diagnosing causes of validation failure. 1.15 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.16 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Standard Practice for Validation of the Performance of Process Stream Analyzer Systems


Measurement of fluid flow rate in closed conduits — Radioactive Tracer Methods


Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices — Guidelines on the effect of departure from the specifications and operating conditions given in ISO 5167


BS ISO 24062. Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits. Clamp-on ultrasonic transit-time meters for liquids and gases


前言 1 范围  2 规范性引用文件  3 术语与定义  4 量水测点布设  4.1 一般规定  4.2 测点布设  5 量水设备选型  5.1 一般规定  5.2 设备选型  6 技术要求  6.1 精度要求  6.2 安全性要求  6.3 可靠性要求 6.4 外观要求  7 量水设备安装  7.1 基本要求  7.2 安装位置  7.3 电磁流量计安装  7.4 超声波流量计安装  8 现场调试与校准  8.1 调试  8.2 现场校准  8.3 验收  9 量水设备运行维护  9.1 一般规定  9.2 水表 9.3 电磁流量计  9.4 超声波流量计  附 录 A(资料性)井灌区农用机井流量计安装结构位置  附 录 B(资料性)田间微灌系统量水设备安装位置示意图  附 录 C(资料性)量水设备维护管理记录表 

Technical specification for water measurement of irrigation pipeline


1.1 This test method describes the measurement of the average velocity with a thermal anemometer for the purpose of determining gas flow in a stack, duct, or flue (1-5).2 It is limited to those applications where the gas is essentially air at ambient conditions and the temperature, moisture, and contaminant loading are insignificant as sources of error compared to the basic accuracy of the typical field situation. 1.2 The range of the test method is from 1 to 30 m/s (3 to 100 ft/s). 1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses after SI units are provided for information only and are not considered standard. 1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety, health, and environmental practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.

Standard Test Method for Average Velocity in a Duct Using a Thermal Anemometer


1 范围 本文件规定了电磁流量计质量分级的评价程序和要求、评价方法、质量分级等内容。 本文件适用于测量封闭管道内导电液体流量的电磁流量计质量分级评价活动。 本文件不适用于插入式电磁流量计和用于明渠流量测量的电磁流量计。 2 规范性引用文件 下列文件中的内容通过文中的规范性引用而构成本文件必不可少的条款。其中,注日期的引用文件,仅该日期对应的版本适用于本文件;不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。 GB/T 18659—2002  封闭管道中导电液体流量的测量 电磁流量计的性能评定方法 JB/T 9248—2015  电磁流量计 JJF 1004—2004  流量计量名词术语及定义 JJG 667—2010  液体容积式流量计检定规程 JJG 1033—2007  电磁流量计检定规程 T/CAS ES000000001—2022(V01) 工业品质量分级评价规则 通则

Rules for quality grading and evaluating of industrial products—Flow meter – Electromagnetic flowmeter


本文件规定了定值标准喷嘴的几何尺寸和安装在管道中测量满管流体流量的使用方法(安装和工作条件)。 本文件适用于采用定值标准喷嘴对流体在整个测量段内流体保持亚音速流动的流量测量。 本文件不适用于脉动流的测量,也不适用于在直径小于50mm或大于500mm的管道中的使用。

Measurement of fluid flow by means of fixed value standard nozzles meter inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full


1   Scope This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of cone meters when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flow rate of the fluid flowing in the conduit. As the uncertainty of an uncalibrated cone meter might be too high for a particular application, it might be deemed essential to calibrate the flow meter in accordance with Clause 7. This document also provides background information for calculating the flow rate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1. This document is applicable only to cone meters in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. Uncalibrated cone meters can only be used within specified limits of pipe size, roughness, β , and Reynolds number, Re . This document is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of uncalibrated cone meters in pipes sized less than 50 mm or more than 500 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 8 × 10 4 or greater than 1,2 × 10 7 . A cone meter is a primary device which consists of a cone-shaped restriction held concentrically in the centre of the pipe with the nose of the cone upstream. The design of cone meter defined in this document has one or more upstream pressure tappings in the wall, and a downstream pressure tapping positioned in the back face of the cone with the connection to a differential pressure transmitter being a hole through the cone to the support bar, and then up through the support bar.

Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full. Cone meters


1   Scope This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of nozzles and Venturi nozzles when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flowrate of the fluid flowing in the conduit. This document also provides background information for calculating the flowrate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1. This document is applicable to nozzles and Venturi nozzles in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. In addition, each of the devices can only be used within specified limits of pipe size and Reynolds number. It is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of nozzles and Venturi nozzles in pipe sizes less than 50 mm or more than 630 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 10 000. This document deals with a) three types of standard nozzles: 1) ISA 1932 1 nozzle; 2) the long radius nozzle 2 ; 3) the throat-tapped nozzle ...

Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Nozzles and Venturi nozzles


1   Scope This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of wedge meters when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flow rate of the fluid flowing in the conduit. NOTE 1 As the uncertainty of an uncalibrated wedge meter can be too large for a particular application, it could be deemed essential to calibrate the flow meter according to Clause 7. This document gives requirements for calibration which, if applied, are for use over the calibrated Reynolds number range. Clause 7 could also be useful guidance for calibration of meters of similar design but which fall outside the scope of this document. It also provides background information for calculating the flow rate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1. This document is applicable only to wedge meters in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. Uncalibrated wedge meters can only be used within specified limits of pipe size, roughness, β (or wedge ratio ) and Reynolds number. It is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of uncalibrated wedge meters in pipes whose internal diameter is less than 50 mm or more than 600 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 1 × 10 4 . NOTE 2 A wedge meter has a primary element which consists of a wedge-shaped res...

Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full. Wedge meters


This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of cone meters when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flow rate of the fluid flowing in the conduit. As the uncertainty of an uncalibrated cone meter might be too high for a particular application, it might be deemed essential to calibrate the flow meter in accordance with Clause 7. This document also provides background information for calculating the flow rate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1. This document is applicable only to cone meters in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. Uncalibrated cone meters can only be used within specified limits of pipe size, roughness, β, and Reynolds number, Re. This document is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of uncalibrated cone meters in pipes sized less than 50 mm or more than 500 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 8 × 104 or greater than 1,2 × 107. A cone meter is a primary device which consists of a cone-shaped restriction held concentrically in the centre of the pipe with the nose of the cone upstream. The design of cone meter defined in this document has one or more upstream pressure tappings in the wall, and a downstream pressure tapping positioned in the back face of the cone with the connection to a differential pressure transmitter being a hole through the cone to the support bar, and then up through the support bar. Alternative designs of cone meters are available; however, at the time of writing, there is insufficient data to fully characterize these devices, and therefore, these meters shall be calibrated in accordance with Clause 7.

Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Part 5: Cone meters (ISO 5167-5:2022)


This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of wedge meters when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flow rate of the fluid flowing in the conduit. NOTE 1 As the uncertainty of an uncalibrated wedge meter can be too large for a particular application, it could be deemed essential to calibrate the flow meter according to Clause 7. This document gives requirements for calibration which, if applied, are for use over the calibrated Reynolds number range. Clause 7 could also be useful guidance for calibration of meters of similar design but which fall outside the scope of this document. It also provides background information for calculating the flow rate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1. This document is applicable only to wedge meters in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. Uncalibrated wedge meters can only be used within specified limits of pipe size, roughness, β (or wedge ratio) and Reynolds number. It is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of uncalibrated wedge meters in pipes whose internal diameter is less than 50 mm or more than 600 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 1 × 104. NOTE 2 A wedge meter has a primary element which consists of a wedge-shaped restriction of a specific geometry. Alternative designs of wedge meters are available; however, at the time of writing there is insufficient data to fully characterize these devices, and therefore these meters are calibrated in accordance with Clause 7.

Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Part 6: Wedge meters (ISO 5167-6:2022)


This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of nozzles and Venturi nozzles when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flowrate of the fluid flowing in the conduit. This document also provides background information for calculating the flowrate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167‑1. This document is applicable to nozzles and Venturi nozzles in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. In addition, each of the devices can only be used within specified limits of pipe size and Reynolds number. It is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of nozzles and Venturi nozzles in pipe sizes less than 50 mm or more than 630 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 10 000. This document deals with a) three types of standard nozzles: 1) ISA 1932[1] nozzle; 2) the long radius nozzle[2]; 3) the throat-tapped nozzle b) the Venturi nozzle. The three types of standard nozzle are fundamentally different and are described separately in this document. The Venturi nozzle has the same upstream face as the ISA 1932 nozzle, but has a divergent section and, therefore, a different location for the downstream pressure tappings, and is described separately. This design has a lower pressure loss than a similar nozzle. For all of these nozzles and for the Venturi nozzle direct calibration experiments have been made, sufficient in number, spread and quality to enable coherent systems of application to be based on their results and coefficients to be given with certain predictable limits of uncertainty. [1] ISA is the abbreviation for the International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations, which was superseded by ISO in 1946. [2] The long radius nozzle differs from the ISA 1932 nozzle in shape and in the position of the pressure tappings.

Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Part 3: Nozzles and Venturi nozzles (ISO 5167-3:2022)


This document specifies the geometry and method of use (installation and operating conditions) of wedge meters when they are inserted in a conduit running full to determine the flow rate of the fluid flowing in the conduit. NOTE 1 As the uncertainty of an uncalibrated wedge meter can be too large for a particular application, it could be deemed essential to calibrate the flow meter according to Clause 7. This document gives requirements for calibration which, if applied, are for use over the calibrated Reynolds number range. Clause 7 could also be useful guidance for calibration of meters of similar design but which fall outside the scope of this document. It also provides background information for calculating the flow rate and is applicable in conjunction with the requirements given in ISO 5167-1. This document is applicable only to wedge meters in which the flow remains subsonic throughout the measuring section and where the fluid can be considered as single-phase. Uncalibrated wedge meters can only be used within specified limits of pipe size, roughness, β (or wedge ratio) and Reynolds number. It is not applicable to the measurement of pulsating flow. It does not cover the use of uncalibrated wedge meters in pipes whose internal diameter is less than 50 mm or more than 600 mm, or where the pipe Reynolds numbers are below 1 × 104. NOTE 2 A wedge meter has a primary element which consists of a wedge-shaped restriction of a specific geometry. Alternative designs of wedge meters are available; however, at the time of writing there is insufficient data to fully characterize these devices, and therefore these meters are calibrated in accordance with Clause 7.

Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full — Part 6: Wedge meters


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