饲养 黄瓜 标准查询与下载

共找到 150 条与 饲养 黄瓜 相关的标准,共 10

Feeding of seven-spot ladybug and its application in the control of cucumber aphids

本标准规定了南江黄羊肉羊生产过程中引种、饲养、管理、兽医卫生及防疫保健的技术规程。 本标准适用于农区以舍饲为主条件下,南江黄养生产的饲养与管理;南江黄羊的改良养也可参照此标准执行

The feeding technology regulations of Nanjiang Huang Goat

This Standard applies to Pickled Cucumbers (in some countries Cucumber Pickles) intended for direct consumption which are: (a) prepared with cucumbers

Pickled Cucumbers (Cucumber Pickles)

Pickled Cucumbers (Cucumber Pickles)

Luxi Yellow Cattle Feeding and Management Specifications


Cucumber Zaobai

Enshi Yellow Cattle Selenium-enriched Feeding Technical Regulations

Technical regulations for the feeding and management of cattle in southern Hebei Province

Huangshan Black Chicken Feeding and Management Technical Regulations

Yufeng Yellow Rabbit Feeding and Management Technical Specifications

本标准规定了黄山黑鸡生产过程中的引种、饲养方式、场址选择、鸡舍建筑、养殖设备、饲养管理、疫病防治、废弃物及病害尸体处理、生产记录应遵循的方法。 本标准适用于黄山黑鸡的饲养和管理

Huangshan Black Chicken Feeding and Management Technical Regulations

Huanglang chicken (Xianghuang chicken) breeding management technical regulations

本标准规定了黄羽肉鸡种鸡和商品鸡生产过程中的术语和定义、总体要求、种鸡饲养管理和商品肉鸡饲养管理要求。 本标准适用于黄羽肉鸡的饲养与管理

Feeding management regulations of yellow-feathered chicken

Technical Regulations on Feeding and Management of Huanghuai Mutton Sheep

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