BS ISO 23318:2022

Milk, dried milk products and cream. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method


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BS ISO 23318:2022
BS ISO 23318:2022
1   ​Scope This document specifies the method for the determination of fat content . The method is applicable to: a) raw milk (cow, sheep, goat), reduced fat milk, skimmed milk, chemically preserved milk and processed liquid milk; b) dried milk products (e.g. whole, partially skimmed, skimmed milk powder; dairy permeate powder; whey powder; blend skimmed milk powder and vegetable fat; milk based infant formula powder); c) raw, processed and sour cream. For the following products, the precision figures are given in Annex H. These precision figures are derived from interlaboratory studies not conforming to the requirements from ISO 5725‑2 in terms of number of samples (< 6) and number of participating laboratories (< 8). d) evaporated milk and sweetened condensed milk (e.g. liquid sweetened and unsweetened concentrated milk); e) whey cheese as defined in CODEX CXS 284‑1999; f) liquid whey and buttermilk;
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