
  • Agilent的PDF-MALDI离子源

    Neo 发布于 2008-04-09 17:51:40

    PDF-MALDI 源:分析快捷、方便和超灵敏
     安捷伦 PDF-MALDI 离子源可对不需要在线分离的样品进行快速、方便和超灵敏的分析。MALDI PDF 离子源与安捷伦 6300 系列 离子阱 LC/MS 系统 和安捷伦功能强大的 Spectrum Mill MS 蛋白组学工作台配合使用,成为快速分析二维凝胶点消化液的理想工具。它可以提供阿托摩尔级干净、可检索的 MS/MS 谱图。MALDI PDF 离子源也可以与 6210 LC/MS TOF 飞行时间质谱仪或与新型6510 三重串联四级杆 LC/MS配合使用,利用肽质量指纹图谱 (PMF) 和准确的质量数进行蛋白质的识别和确认。 


    • 加热的干燥气体直接进入样品板,有助于减少基质簇离子,形成比较干净的质谱。
    • 改进的相机光学系统,观察目标板和斑点的视野更广阔,图像更清晰。
    • 更精确的目标板定位机制,可实现准确的自动化数据采集。
    • 常压操作,这样可在瞬间加载目标板而不需要工具。
    • 更耐用的设计,当更换靶板或将 PDF-MALDI 与其他离子源转换时,确保重复的激光校准。
    • 更大的离子源体,可以容纳 Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX 公司的 10 x 10 MALDI 板。
    • 脉冲动态聚焦,当样品汽化/电离后,新的离子传输流脉冲离子源内电场,将更多的样品离子从 MALDI 靶板上直接打入质谱仪,提高了 MS 分析的灵敏度和一致性。

  • [论坛]商用液质离子源的介绍

    firefox 发布于 2007-07-20 17:31:43





  • Bruker EVOQ LC-TQ Systems

    hoggy 发布于 2012-09-13 10:41:27

    Bruker Launches High-Performance LC Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers

    Game-Changing EVOQ™ Qube and EVOQ Elite LC-TQ Systems Unveiled at JASIS

    CHIBA, Japan--(BUSINESS WIRE) -- Sep. 4, 2012-- At the 2012 Japan Analytical Scientific Instruments Show (JASIS), Bruker today launches two game-changing LC-triple quadrupole (LC-TQ) mass spectrometers, the high-performance EVOQ QubeTM and the ultra-high sensitivity EVOQ Elite, which are setting new standards for analytical performance and quantitative robustness. Similar to Bruker’s very successful SCION GC-TQ platform. introduced in 2011, the EVOQ series is targeted at LC-TQ performance leadership and major advances in robustness, ease of methods developments and productivity.

    EVOQ LC-TQ System
    The EVOQ LC-TQ System (Photo: Business Wire)

    Both EVOQ LC-TQ systems introduced today incorporate Bruker’s new Advance™ Ultra-High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (UHPLC) systems. In addition, the EVOQ platform. features several major innovations:

    • the industry’s first Vacuum-Insulated Probe (VIP) heated electrospray technology preserves and ionizes thermally fragile molecules with outstanding sensitivity,
    • the Active Exhaust atmospheric pressure ionization source with a robust orifice vacuum interface significantly enhances quantitative robustness for difficult samples,
    • the novel, "flat-tuning", proprietary Interlaced Quadrupole Dual Funnel (IQ-DF™) maximizes sensitivity,
    • novel PACERTM software enables "exception based data-review", a revolutionary feature that significantly reduces the error rate for quantitative analysis.

    Bruker’s patented lens-free triple-quad mass filter design, which enhances MRM performance, comes standard on all EVOQ systems, making the EVOQ LC-TQ inherently easier to use and maintain. Other high-performance TQ features include Bruker’s unique Compound Based Scanning (CBS) technology, the novel VIP heated-ESI and APCI ion sources, fast 14,000 amu/sec scan speed and 25 msec positive/negative ion switching, all for leading-edge TQ performance and analytical power.

    Jonathan McNally, EVOQ Product Manager, said: “Our intention was to make the EVOQ LC-TQ very intuitive to use, whether the users are analyzing pesticides in water using our new Advance UHPLC with on-line extraction (OLE) capability for high volume injections, or quantifying peptides in plasma. Our goal is to allow the user to focus on solving the analytical problem, and not be distracted by the instrument parameter operation. The EVOQ greatly simplifies MRM-based quantitation with Bruker’s unique Compound Based Scanning (CBS), which makes MRM methods development trivial, and MS/MS as easy to use and deploy as single quadrupole mass spectrometry.”

    Collin D’Silva, Bruker CAM Division President, added: “Our customers need to run more samples, spend less time cleaning and re-tuning instruments, and use software to minimize errors associated with the daily review of thousands of chromatograms. The EVOQ with PACER software delivers significant value to a laboratory whose core focus is providing time-sensitive quantitative data.”

    The Advance HPLC, UHPLC, and the UHPLC-OLE products offer ultra-low dead-volume which enables excellent reproducibility at analytical flow-rates, an integrated column-oven, and bench-space savings. Paired with the industry workhorse CTC auto-sampler, the Advance LC portfolio delivers precision and accuracy required for sustained, high-sensitivity LC-MRM quantitative analysis.

    Rohan Thakur, Ph.D., Vice President and General Manager of Bruker’s Quadrupole MS Business, concluded: “The EVOQ LC-TQ platform. delivers on Bruker’s philosophy of providing innovative, compact, easy-to-use and performance-leading solutions that customers value for their daily work. We believe that the novel EVOQ triple-quad platform. with its many true innovations, outstanding sensitivity and ease-of-use breakthroughs will leapfrog traditional TQ designs as the new performance leader in this large market.”

    For more information on the new EVOQ LC-TQ systems, visit: www.bruker.com/evoq.

    About Bruker Corporation (NASDAQ: BRKR)

    Bruker Corporation is a leading provider of high-performance scientific instruments and solutions for molecular and materials research, as well as for industrial and applied analysis. For more information about Bruker Corporation, please visit www.bruker.com.

    Photos/Multimedia Gallery Available: http://www.businesswire.com/cgi-bin/mmg.cgi?eid=50396102&lang=en

  • 丹纳赫收购AB质谱事件

    reedzsu 发布于 2009-09-03 23:19:54



    丹纳赫11亿美元收购MDS资产 拟裁员3300人

    http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年09月02日 19:55  新浪财经

      新浪财经讯 北京时间周三晚间消息,仪器设备制造商丹纳赫公司(Danaher)(DHR)宣布,将收购MDS Inc(MDZ)的分析技术部门(Analytical Technologies),交易价格大约为11亿美元,其中包括债务承担。此举将使该公司的产品供应中增加质谱仪。

      根据与MDS达成的并购协议,丹纳赫将获得Applied Biosystems,以及MDS与Life Technologies合资的生命科学仪器公司AB Sciex的全部控股权,后者主要生产质谱仪。丹纳赫还将获得前Molecular Devices Corp的全部控股权,后者主要生产分析仪器。

      丹纳赫总裁兼首席执行官劳伦斯·卡尔普(H. Lawrence Culp)在一份声明中表示,AB Sciex是质谱仪市场的领导者,此项收购将补充丹纳赫现有的医疗技术业务。

      根据协议,丹纳赫将为MDS在该合资公司中的股份支付6.50亿美元,并将以4.50亿美元收购Life Technologies在该公司的剩余股份,从而获得独家控股权。Life Technologies总部位于加州Carlsbad,是Invitrogen Corp与Applied Biosystems Inc合并而成的。




      该公司董事长詹姆斯·麦克唐纳(James S. A. MacDonald)在一份声明中表示:“董事会与管理层认为,此项交易为在近期内释放MDS业务的价值提供了最大机会,并使我公司能够将出售分析技术业务的收益回报给股东。”

      Life Technologies表示,预计出售质谱仪业务不会影响其全年盈利预期。









    ABI公司是一家顶级的科学仪器公司,特别是在生物领域(当然现在大多数分析仪器公司都会宣传自己也是生物仪器公司)。但AB质谱部门确是奇怪的部门。我在2004年参加罕见的ABI全球巡演时,才真正第一次了解AB的质谱,当时的三重四极杆质谱和TOF/TOF确实是非常新颖的。纯粹的生物仪器公司还有这样的东西,我是被深深吸引了(当时还是青涩的学生)。后来才知道AB的质谱实际上是加拿大的MDS sciex公司生产的。






    在上星期的电话会议中,Invitrogen CEO Greg Lucier对于新公司质谱业务的态度也有点含糊。当被问到如果有机会,他是否会卖掉这部分业务时,他谢绝对这种可能性做出评价,并表示“会继续运营这部分业务”。


    但是这些话并没有减轻华尔街的担心,他们担心ABI衰退的质谱业务会损害这场交易。评论家Peter McDonald认为,近年来ABI没有推出任何新的有意义的质谱平台,这很让投资者担心。“每个人都在等待一台新仪器的出现,但是却始终没有。”

    ABI也意识到了这一点,它计划补充仪器产品线,在下个月推出新的质谱仪。在上周的电话会议上,ABI公司的董事长兼COO Mark Stevenson也表示这些计划将继续进行。


    德意志银行分析家Ross Muken在一篇研究评论中写到,Invitrogen对ABI感兴趣的最主要原因是能够获得它的SOLiD测序平台,从而进入新一代测序市场。Invitrogen想要维持质谱业务是一个大难题。他表示:“如果你把质谱业务摆在新公司中,你就会很清楚发现它不适合。而且它与新公司的其他业务没有互补的地方。”



    MDS的发言人Janet Ko表示公司会照常开展业务。MDS评价这个事件是“我们合资伙伴的好消息,并相信Invitrogen有杰出的管理团队,期望与它们共同发展ABI/MDS的合资。”




    Invitrogen Deal to Acquire ABI Leads to Mass Speculation About Mass Spec Business

    [June 20, 2008]    By Tony Fong     Editor, ProteoMonitor

    NEW YORK (GenomeWeb News) - As the dust settles from last week’s announcement of Invitrogen’s bid to acquire Applied Biosystems for $6.7 billion, questions continue to swirl around Invitrogen’s rationale for keeping ABI’s mass spectrometry business, and whether the company has plans to quickly jettison the segment.
    While ABI is the current industry leader in mass spec sales, it is in the midst of a sharp slowdown that has raised concern about ABI’s ability to turn the unit around, particularly as competitors such as Thermo Fisher Scientific and Waters move to take the lead in technological innovation and Agilent Technologies takes market share away with its continuing push into the space.
    During last week’s conference call announcing the proposed deal, Invitrogen CEO Greg Lucier was opaque when discussing plans for the new company’s mass-spec business. When asked whether he was open to selling it if the opportunity was there, he declined to comment on that possibility and said, “We’re going to run that business. We’re going to run it for success with our partner, and it is business as usual.”
    Lucier said that while 90 percent of the acquisition is “an absolutely perfect fit,” mass specs are not. The ideal situation, he said, would be a sales flow in which customers would need to buy large amounts of reagents for use on the newly acquired instruments. Only, “a mass spec instrument doesn’t quite fit that description,“ Lucier said. “So my comment was 90 percent of [the deal] is a perfect fit, and the 10 percent [remaining] is still a very good business, and we intend to run it,” he said.
    That has done little to quell Wall Street’s worries that ABI’s flagging mass-spec business could hurt the deal. Peter McDonald, an analyst at Wall Street Access, told GenomeWeb Daily News sister publication ProteoMonitor this week that the lack of any new meaningful mass spec platform. from ABI in recent years is a particular concern for investors.
    “Everyone’s been waiting for a new instrument and they haven’t had anything in the near term,” he said.
    Aware of this, ABI plans to replenish its instrument portfolio and recently company officials said new mass specs will be hitting the market in coming months. During last week’s conference call, Mark Stevenson, president and COO of Applied Biosystems, said that those plans will proceed.
    Plateauing mass-spec sales in recent quarters have also been bad news for ABI. For the past six consecutive quarters, sales growth for the instruments has steadily declined, and in the last completed quarter, ending March 31 – ABI’s fiscal third quarter – mass spec sales grew less than 1 percent.
    Ross Muken, an analyst with Deutsche Bank, wrote in a research note that the key reason for Invitrogen’s interest in ABI is to acquire its SOLiD sequencing platform. and gain access to the next-generation sequencing market.
    Invitrogen’s desire to keep the mass-spec business, however, is “a head-scratcher,” Muken wrote.
    “As you look at mass spec within the new [company] it’s a clear standout that does not fit,” Muken said to ProteoMonitor. “And it really has no complementary pieces with the rest of the Invitrogen/ABI combination.”
    Invitrogen is also limited in its ability to improve ABI’s mass-spec business, Muken added, because ABI has a joint-venture agreement with MDS Analytical Technologies on the instruments and depends on the Canadian firm for mass spec R&D.
    Indeed, the effect of the proposed acquisition on ABI’s partnership with MDS is unclear. Neither Invitrogen nor ABI officials provided any insight into the matter during the conference call.
    Janet Ko, a spokeswoman for MDS, told ProteoMonitor in an e-mail that it will continue to do business as usual. MDS views the deal “as good news for our [joint-venture] partner [and] believes Invitrogen has an excellent management team, and we look forward to working with them to grow the ABI/MDS joint venture,” she said.
    Meanwhile, speculation has begun that the new company, which will adopt the Applied Biosystems name, will eventually sell the mass spec business, perhaps as quickly as within 18 months. But with an estimated price tag of between $1.3 billion to $1.5 billion, the list of potential buyers is limited, Muken said.
    “It’s an attractive asset but there’s not a long list of people who can afford it or would be in a position at this point to be able to do something to transact it,” he said.
    The consensus view is that MDS appears to be the most likely bidder to buy out ABI if the combined company decides to divest its mass-spec business, although MDS currently doesn’t have the resources to make such a purchase, analysts have said. Other potential buyers could include Agilent, Thermo Fisher, or foreign firms, such as Hitachi or Shimadzu.

    在08年ASMS上,AB公司没有发布任何新产品。同样在08年ASMS上,Agilent高调发布6460,宣称是世界上最高灵敏度的三重四级杆质谱;Thermo发布TSQ Vantage,Waters发布Xevo,都纷纷说自己的仪器是世界上灵敏度最高的。


    08年8~9月份,AB公司推出新一代5500串联质谱。命名有点奇怪,按他们一贯命名方式,应该是API 6000。而这一次,居然是Triple Quad 5500 and QTRAP 5500。 难道他们仅仅比API 5000灵敏度只高一点点?那跟其他公司相比呢?

    这是很感兴趣的话题,也是很有争议的话题。我在chromatography forum找到2个帖子,学到一点东西(附其中一个链接)。





    丹纳赫收购AB的质谱部门和MDS sciex质谱工厂和研发部门花费11亿美金。


    然而,为什么Life Techologies公司要放弃领先的质谱部门呢?

    让我们再读一读Invitrogen CEO Greg Lucier的话,仪器和试剂都是收益来源,而质谱仅有仪器收益。在PCR和测序仪渐渐普及的今天,它们的市场运作模式跟质谱市场运作已渐渐不同。在购买量不是很大的年代,AB公司的PCR部门和质谱部门有着和谐的经营文化。在金融危机的背景下,想从质谱部门短时间获得大量的收益不太现实。因此,在生命技术公司内部有一个经营文化的差异。那么,出售质谱部门也就顺理成章了。


    AB的质谱业务在市场领先,而且在技术上特别是生命科学应用方面有很大的优势。老美绝不会将先进的技术拱手让给他人。而且,在经济复苏的背景下,美国人也希望拥有先进技术有前景的公司一定要在强调技术领先的企业文化下。丹纳赫虽然涉及科学仪器甚少,但是他确是整个精密仪器界的老大。而且,这一次,丹纳赫连MDS sciex也买下来,整合成一个部门,这就意味着研发和制造实际上在美国的控制下,还保留了AB sciex品牌。美国人对科技和市场的掌控能力确实非凡。



    http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年09月03日 21:41  新浪财经

      新浪财经讯 北京时间周四晚间消息,券商FBR Capital将多元化工业公司丹纳赫(Danaher)(DHR)的股票评级从“与大盘持平”上调至“跑赢大盘”,原因是预计该公司最近达成的并购交易将为其增长提供动力。

      丹纳赫周三宣布,将以11亿美元的价格收购两项业务,其一是Applied Biosystems/MDS Sciex,主要生产质谱仪;其二是MDS Inc(MDZ)旗下一家生物研究与分析仪器公司。

      FBR分析师迪恩·德雷(Deane Dray)表示,此项收购所带来的盈利增长将超过丹纳赫预期的每股5-7美分。





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  • 建立时间: 2021-02-04
  • 更新时间: 2021-02-04


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