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BioTek宣布推出新型Cytation C10共聚焦成像仪

发布: 2021-02-04 19:55:21来源: 安捷伦细胞分析事业部(BioTek)

安捷伦旗下的 BioTek Instruments 推出了 Cytation C10,这是一款先进的自动化共聚焦成像读取器。


基于BioTek的Cytation Cell Imaging多模读取器的传统,紧凑型Cytation C10将自动数字共聚焦和宽视场显微镜与传统的多模微孔板读数相结合,采用独特的专利设计。旋转盘共聚焦功能为各种样品类型提供精致的图像分辨率和光学切片,包括三维(3D)细胞培养和厚组织切片。

高质量的组件,如滨松科学CMOS(sCMOS)相机、奥林巴斯物镜和激光照明,支持出色的出版就绪图像。凭借其模块化设计,Cytation C10可随着实验室需求的发展随时进行升级。其他成像模式包括宽视场荧光、明场和相差光学元件。通过基于可变带宽单色器的光学器件(用于基于检测的应用)和用于长期活细胞成像分析的环境控制,进一步扩展了检测的多功能性。

Gen5 软件为 Cytation C10 提供支持,提供新的 3D 查看器和自动 ROI 功能,以及其他强大的处理和分析功能。

BioTek announces new Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader

04 Feb 2021

BioTek Instruments, a part of Agilent, has unveiled the Cytation C10, an advanced, automated confocal imaging reader. 

This versatile and multi-functional automated system is ideal for research laboratories and core facilities looking to increase productivity while reaping high-quality qualitative and quantitative data to support cell-based research.

Building upon the legacy of BioTek’s Cytation Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Readers, the compact Cytation C10 combines automated digital confocal and widefield microscopy with conventional multi-mode microplate reading in a unique, patented design. Spinning disk confocal capabilities offer exquisite image resolution and optical sectioning for a variety of sample types including 3-dimensional (3D) cell cultures and thick tissue sections.

High quality components, such as a Hamamatsu scientific CMOS (sCMOS) camera, Olympus objectives, and laser-based illumination support excellent publication-ready images.  With its modular design Cytation C10 may be upgraded at any time as laboratory needs evolve. Additional imaging modes include widefield fluorescence, brightfield, and phase contrast optics. Assay versatility is further expanded with variable bandwidth monochromator-based optics for detection-based applications, and environmental controls for long-term live cell imaging analysis.

Gen5 software powers Cytation C10, offering a new 3D viewer and automated ROI functionality, among other powerful processing and analysis features.


公司历史 BioTek Instruments, Inc. 是微孔板仪器和软件研发、生产及销售领域的全球领先企业。BioTek 公司创立于 1968 年,创始人是佛蒙特大学医学院的生理学家 Norman Alpert 博士。凭借对医院安全...


