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LogPhase 600 全自动微生物监测仪,测量多个微孔板中的微生物生长曲线

发布: 2020-06-12 10:43:15来源: 安捷伦细胞分析事业部(BioTek)

LogPhase 600全自动微生物监测仪测量多个微孔板中的微生物生长曲线

BioTek推出了一种独特的微孔板阅读器,新的LogPhase 600微生物学阅读器。LogPhase 600是唯一一款专为进行微生物生长曲线分析而设计的四平板微型平板阅读器。多平板测量增加了吞吐量,减少了对占用宝贵工作台空间的多个昂贵单平板吸光度读数器的需求。同时,高度一致的环境条件支持高质量的吸光度结果,而不会出现生长曲线伪影,即使在潜伏期延长的细菌和酵母分析中也是如此。

紧凑型LogPhase 600具有一个强大的、经过严格测试的震动机制,以确保细胞保持悬浮状态,不会沉降,硬件不会磨损,即使在长期动力学分析过程中也是如此。LogPhase 600中的孵化由多个传感器控制,以便均匀加热,并包括冷凝控制™, 防止光散射和冷凝造成的伪影。LogPhase 600中的一致生长条件确保了一致的分析结果。

控制阅读器的是LogPhase 600应用程序,它可以捕获数据,并通过易于使用的界面提供强大的分析功能。该应用程序允许使用简单的导出功能同时查看多板块结果。

LogPhase 600是酵母和细菌生长分析、抗药性研究、藻类和生物燃料研究以及食品和饮料测试的理想选择。

LogPhase 600 microbiology reader measures microbial growth curves in multiple microplates

BioTek has unveiled a unique class of microplate readers with the new LogPhase 600 Microbiology Reader. The LogPhase 600 is the only four-plate microplate reader purpose-built to perform microbial growth curve analysis. Multiple plate measurements increase throughput and reduce the need for multiple costly single-plate absorbance readers that take up valuable bench space. At the same time, highly consistent environmental conditions support high quality absorbance results without growth curve artifacts, even in bacterial and yeast assays with extended incubation periods.

The compact LogPhase 600 features a robust, stringently tested shaking mechanism to ensure that cells remain in suspension and will not settle out, and that the hardware will not wear out, even over the course of long-term kinetic assays. Incubation in the LogPhase 600 is controlled by several sensors for even heating and includes Condensation Control™, which prevents light scatter and artifacts due to condensation. The consistent growth conditions in LogPhase 600 ensure consistent assay results.

Controlling the reader is the LogPhase 600 App, which captures data and provides powerful analysis with an easy-to-use interface. The App allows multi-plate results to be viewed simultaneously with simple export capability.

LogPhase 600 is ideal for yeast and bacterial growth assays, antimicrobial resistance studies, algal and biofuel research, along with food and beverage testing.


公司历史 BioTek Instruments, Inc. 是微孔板仪器和软件研发、生产及销售领域的全球领先企业。BioTek 公司创立于 1968 年,创始人是佛蒙特大学医学院的生理学家 Norman Alpert 博士。凭借对医院安全...


