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布鲁克推出用于纳米级研究的多模 8-HR 原子力显微镜

发布: 2017-10-13 02:03:59来源: 布鲁克电子显微纳米分析仪器部

布鲁克推出用于纳米级研究的多模 8-HR 原子力显微镜


加利福尼亚州圣巴巴拉市 – 2016 年 1 月 12 日 – 布鲁克的纳米表面部门今天宣布发布多模 8-HR 原子力显微镜 (AFM),它为世界上最高分辨率、使用最广泛、经过现场验证的扫描探针显微镜 (SPM) 带来了广泛的纳米力学和更高速成像功能。MultiMode 8-HR的新纳米力学功能使研究人员能够访问最广泛的斜坡频率范围,用于粘弹性研究和从软生物样品到硬金属样品的各种材料的纳米力学评估。

“多模式®平台长期以来一直是性能和应用程序多功能性的黄金标准,我们通过MultiMode 8-HR显着增强了其功能,”布鲁克AFM业务副总裁兼总经理Stephen Minne博士评论道。“独特的改进包括更高的速度,更高分辨率的成像,纳米力学的新功能,增强的PeakForce QNM®,以及新的FastForce体积™模式。为了履行我们对成千上万忠实的MultiMode客户的持续承诺,我们设计了这些在分辨率,灵活性和可靠性方面的新发展,也可以作为他们当前MultiMode系统的升级。

关于MultiMode 8-HR
MultiMode 8-HR的高分辨率和数据处理能力是其刚性机械设计和极其先进的控制电子设备相结合的结果。该系统采用布鲁克的 NanoScope® V 控制器和新的 8.2 版软件,具有前所未有的带宽和极低噪声的数据采集功能,可实现 ScanAsyst®、Peak Force QNM 和 FastForce Volume 等专有技术进步。这些功能相结合,再次证明了MultiMode 8-HR是同类产品中最通用,性能最高的AFM。

50 多年来,布鲁克帮助科学家取得了突破性的发现,并开发了新的应用,从而提高了人类的生活质量。布鲁克的高性能科研仪器和高价值分析解决方案使科学家能够在分子、细胞和微观水平上探索生命和材料。通过与客户的密切合作,布鲁克在生命科学分子研究、应用和制药应用、显微镜、纳米分析和工业应用以及细胞生物学、临床前成像、临床研究、微生物学和分子诊断领域实现了创新、生产力和客户成功。

Bruker Introduces MultiMode 8-HR AFM for Nanoscale Research

Extensive New Capabilities for the World’s Most Successful Atomic Force Microscope Platform

SANTA BARBARA, California – January 12, 2016 – Bruker’s Nano Surfaces Division today announced the release of the MultiMode 8-HR Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), which brings extensive new capabilities for nanomechanics and higher speed imaging to the world’s highest resolution, most widely-used and field-proven scanning probe microscope (SPM). The new nanomechanics features of MultiMode 8-HR enable researchers to access the broadest range of ramp frequencies for viscoelastic studies and nanomechanical assessment of a wide range of materials, from soft biological specimens to hard metallic samples.

“The MultiMode® platform has long been the gold standard for performance and application versatility, and we’ve significantly enhanced its capabilities with the MultiMode 8-HR,” commented Stephen Minne, Ph.D., Vice President and General Manager of Bruker’s AFM Business. “Unique improvements include higher speeds, higher resolution imaging, new capabilities in nanomechanics with enhanced PeakForce QNM®, and new FastForce Volume™ modes. In keeping with our ongoing commitment to our thousands of loyal MultiMode customers, we have designed these new developments in resolution, flexibility, and reliability to be available also as upgrades to their current MultiMode systems.”

About MultiMode 8-HR 
The high-resolution and data processing capabilities of the MultiMode 8-HR are the result of its combination of rigid, mechanical design and extremely advanced control electronics. Utilizing Bruker’s NanoScope® V Controller and new Version 8.2 software, the system features unprecedented bandwidth and extremely low-noise data acquisition to enable such proprietary technology advances as ScanAsyst®, Peak Force QNM and FastForce Volume. These features combine to reaffirm the MultiMode 8-HR as the most versatile, highest performance AFM in its class.

About Bruker Corporation
For more than 50 years, Bruker has enabled scientists to make breakthrough discoveries and develop new applications that improve the quality of human life. Bruker’s high-performance scientific research instruments and high-value analytical solutions enable scientists to explore life and materials at molecular, cellular and microscopic levels. In close cooperation with our customers, Bruker is enabling innovation, productivity and customer success in life science molecular research, in applied and pharma applications, in microscopy, nano-analysis and industrial applications, as well as in cell biology, preclinical imaging, clinical research, microbiology and molecular diagnostics.

Media Contact: 
Stephen Hopkins, Marketing Communications
Bruker Nano Surfaces Division
T: +1 (520) 741-1044 x1022
E: steve.hopkins@bruker.com




