






Carterra LSA 在指导国内外研究抗体鸡尾酒疗法的应用


自新型冠状病毒病(COVID-19)爆发以来,全球科研及医疗人员都在紧急寻找有效的治疗方法。2020年2月,泰国曼谷拉察维蒂医院(Rajavithi Hospital)医生表示,将抗艾病药洛匹那韦(lopinavir)及利托那韦 (ritonavir),抗流感病毒药特敏福(oseltamivir)组合使用的这种“鸡尾酒疗法”有助改善病情,由此,大众的目光纷纷转向此处。在之后的实践中,可与针对受体结合域的抗体联用的“鸡尾酒疗法”果然不负众望,为治疗新冠肺炎提供了重要治疗方案。


“鸡尾酒疗法”源自 20 世纪 90 年代末,美籍华裔科学家何大一提出的针对艾滋病治疗的方法。通过将多种抗病毒药物联合使用来抑制病情,因为药物的配置方法和配置鸡尾酒很相似,将多种药物混合,用特殊的方法将其混合均匀,所以称做 “鸡尾酒疗法”。单一用药可能让患者产生耐药性,而“鸡尾酒疗法”可以减少耐药性,最大限度的抑制病情,增强治疗效果。“鸡尾酒疗法”模仿自然的多克隆免疫反应,并依赖于结合针对不同表位的抗体来释放协同效应,与单药疗法相比,“鸡尾酒疗法”协同效应可提高体内保护数量级,减少耐药性,最大限度的抑制病情,增强治疗效果。

表位结合是一种有用的经验方法,通过评估抗体对其特定目标抗原的成对和复合竞争产生的阻断关系,将抗体组织成表位家族。然而,当研究由数百个克隆组成的大样本抗体时,通过诸如FACS、ELISA和label- free biosensors这些标准技术探索一个完整的成对竞争矩阵是非常枯燥的,并且也浪费大量的资源。因此出于实际原因,这些检测的范围通常局限于对一小组已知特异性或功能的基准“试剂”抗体的阻断。与少数对照品竞争的抗体构成了一种“少对多”的方法,并依赖于这些标准的存在。相比之下,高通量表位结合分析Carterra LSA扩大了可在单个实验中解决的成对排列的数量,不仅提供了速度和更小样本消耗的实际优势,而且还提供了精细的解析,揭示了表位特异性和细微结合模式的微小差异,如可能与功能活动相关的变构调节,此外这些技术在通量方面的改进使表位分块成为一种高通量筛选过程,而不是保留给抗体的小面板。

Carterra LSA帮助指导“鸡尾酒疗法”的设计

研究人员使用Carterra LSA对2014年扎伊尔EBOV流行病(扎伊尔型埃博拉病毒(EBOV-Z))中一个恢复期供体的B细胞应答中恢复的抗体进行了鉴定。通过了解真实感染EBOV时人类免疫系统表位的覆盖情况,充分表征人对病毒感染的免疫反应所产生抗体的表位分布,有助于对病毒感染的认识,指导病毒感染性疾病的抗体鸡尾酒的设计。

Figure 1. Examples of nuanced blocking behaviors observed by SPR, (A) blockade across two distinct epitope communities (cross-talking), (B) order- dependent blocking asymmetry, (C) possible antigen heterogeneity, and (D) rare epitopes. Each panel shows an overlay plot of sensorgrams, grouped by ligand (as named in the header), for the normalized binding responses of nine repeat injections of EBOV GP alone (blue) and the effect produced upon premixing EBOV GP with various antibodies (as analytes); the self-block is shown in black. (A) Premixed ADI-15878 (Comm1 + 2 cross-talker) significantly blocks coupled ADI-15841 (Comm1) and KZ52 (Comm2), while premixed mAb114 (Comm3) does not block antibodies in either community.(B)Premixed ADI-15741 (Comm2) does not block coupled FVM-09 (Comm2) but reversing the orientation produces blockade, suggesting possible allosteric modulation of EBOV GP by FVM-09 because FVM-09 showed this order-dependent blockade across most of the Comm2 antibodies. (C) Premixed ADI-15779 (Comm4) achieves a full self-block but produces barely any effect when presented to coupled KZ52 (Comm2), as observed by the premixed sample showing a very similar binding response as that of EBOV GP alone. The inverse is also true for premixed KZ52 on coupled ADI-15779, hinting at possible antigen heterogeneity where each antibody targets a separate antigen ‘subpopulation’. Conversely, premixed mAb114 (Comm3) gives a clear sandwiching response with both ADI-15779 and KZ52. (D) ADI-15983 (Comm6) is blocked only by itself (see self-block in black) and not by any other premixed antibodies tested (various colors) which all resulted in normalized binding responses >1.


Figure 2. Crystal structure of the prefusion trimeric EBOV GP (lacking the mucin-like (MLD) and transmembrane (TM) domains. Structural epitopes are color-coded in the surface representation of EBOV GP, and benchmark antibodies along with their communities have been assigned and highlighted for the various epitopes. Additionally, neutralizing or nonneutralizing properties of the different antibodies have been shown in superscript as described in the legend (black box). Communities 4, 6, 7, and 8 are not highlighted due to their novelty and lack of similarities within any of the benchmark antibodies used in this study.

Carterra LSA


Carterra LSA 全方位集成的高通量单克隆抗体筛选和表征的平台 可对多达1152种抗体进行动力学分析,和对多达384种抗体进行表位鉴定。LSA系统有两种流体模式处理生物传感器芯片表面:可同时将96个样本引入芯片表面的多通道模式,和可同时将96个样本引入芯片表面的单通道模式。一次实验可以完成384个样本检测,根据实验设计可以在多通道和单通道模式之间自动切换。此外,该系统采用双向流动,即固定体积的样品以来回流动的方式注入芯片表面。这种方案在增加低浓度样品的结合信号的同时更大限度地减少了样品的消耗。下图解释了为什么这些关键特性使Carterra LSA系统成为一个高效的抗体鉴定平台。


Figure 3.The advantages of comprehensive screening on the LSA to support infectious disease research.
目前,Carterra LSA已被世界各地数十家生物制药、学术和政府实验室采用,并被盖茨基金会选中用于筛选和鉴定COVID-19的治疗性抗体候选物。一些用Carterra LSA发现和鉴定的候选抗体现已进入人体临床试验,Carterra LSA正在充分利用科学和医疗专业知识来抗击世界各地的COVID-19病毒。
